Vortex/Helix Motion of the Solar SystemsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #science5 years ago

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In my grade school days, I am always amazed at science specifically the heavenly bodies the I saw above. At first, I thought that the sun was moving around the earth because as I saw it, the sun moves from East to West but I learned from school that the planets including our earth move around the sun. I was amazed by these things and all the knowledge that we acquire through the history of human existence.

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And during my high school days, I learned that our planet is part of the solar system together with the sun and other planets, asteroids, dust, rocks, comets, and moons. All of the planets were moving around the sun in their respective orbits. And there are billions of solar system in a milky way galaxy. These were so enormous that no human mind cant comprehend.

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And when I am in University, I was more amazed by what I learned that there are billions of galaxies that populate the universe. Until now, the scientists haven't measured how big is the universe and they don't even see the end of the universe. They just speculate the diameter of the universe based on the Hubble space telescope that they used. And all these billions of galaxies were constantly moving without bumping each other.

But when I am in MCGI, I am surprised what I learned from our presiding minister Bro Eli Soriano that the scientists discovered that not only the planets were moving around the sun but all of them we also moving as shown in the below video. It is amazing to think that all therein outside our planet were moving int the vastness of the universe. I have nothing to say but... Oh How Great Thou Art!

Courtesy Youtube

Our Solar System is not suspended in space, our Planets are not just spinning in circles around the Sun, in fact WE the SOLar System are traveling across the Universe attracted my the gravity force of the Milky Way in some form of a Helix motion.

This basic knowledge should be human obligation to teach and spread the word to awake and inspire new comming generations & our own..

Flor Blanca Sativa


Courtesy: Truthcaster Youtube Channel

English Version: The Old Path
Spanish Version: ElcaminoAntiguo
Portuguese Version: OcaminhoAntigo
Blog (6 Languages): ControversyExtraordinary


This post has received a 22.13 % upvote from @boomerang.

This post has received a 99.65% upvote from @risingbot

Quite an interesting post great to learn something fascinating

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