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RE: Gender is a Spectrum

in #science7 years ago

There is such a thing as hermaphrodites, but doctors always chop the male parts off... What a horrible business that is? It is very rare, but it makes circumcision seem civilised. (it's not)

But who gives a flying fuck whether you like girls or boys, or if your brain works more like an average opposite your gender. None of these things are a problem if you don't get locked into those child-prisons called 'schools'. I had it really bad as a kid, having long eyelashes and pretty eyes and, later, very little chest hair...

It's the groupthink that is the problem. And having some unusual tastes in consensual sexual activity, why do people want to wear that like a badge of achievement when they were born with it?

The whole thing is so messed up. People need to stop nosing into each other's private lives, and also, not condoning or allowing bullying behaviour. Because that's the only thing that makes this an issue. Gender is secondary to the violence our society tolerates.


It's not so much that it's a badge of achievement, rather that the way society treats individuals for not fitting into the mold and the psychological/self perception consequences of that are - quite understandably - met with a push in the opposite direction, in the form of pride in reclaiming ones reality or vocal/visible expression of gender identity.

For the more sensible people, I agree, but the Left these days is all Kill Whitey and Kill Hetero like being a white heterosexual means you are a bully. Obviously this is fallacious logic, but so many people don't understand logic.

Hmmm...Odd. The Left I know is not all "Kill Whitey and Kill Hetero." @fungusmonk, I understand what you are saying about the idea of pride in reclaiming ones expression of gender identity.

Well, maybe you have not been around this side of it, I saw a lot of it even back in Australia 15 years ago. I used to know antifa and fascists, both sides, and i recognise this militancy rising in the PR campaign being run especially by the US Democrat party. Gender identity is one of the hot buttons they are pushing hard to keep people fighting with heach other, and there is for real 'kill whitey' and 'kill hetero' people out there.

I'm not foolin here. look it up yourself. I don't want anyone to think I am an authority. I merely like to find out what is fact, and what is not.

There are extremes on every "side"....I'm not denying that they exist. The Left people I know are not supportive of killing anyone.

I don't associate with anyone who identifies with anything far from the centre, and edge of the political spectrum (anti-authoritarian).

I just don't give a fuck anymore.

I'm going walkabout. I'll make regular reports :)

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