What Do Cryptocurrencies And Earth Being Terraformed by Non-Humans Have In Common?

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Let's put it simply: Earth Custodians are climate skeptics, they do not believe that, if the warming of the planet is real, the sun activity is a major factor. Earth has been much colder and even warmer than it is today throughout the centuries. 


The world has mainly grown hotter since 1980, at a rate of nearly 0.2 °C  (0.36 °F) per decade. The annual global temperature from 2000 to 2009  was 0.61 °C (1.1 °F) higher than the average temperature for 1951 to  1980. If the current rate of increase continues, the world will warm by 2  °C (3.6 °F) in the next century. .... MORE

Global Temperature Trends From 2500 B.C. To 2040 A.D. (chart)

Article and Chart Updated: January 28, 2017  http://www.longrangeweather.com/images/gtemps.jpg

What Earth Custodians believe is that the climate change ideology surely does look more like a hoax when seeing that those who claim to protect Earth destroy Her deliberately. Such as the pervasive attack on the Amazon, fracking releasing billions of gallons of toxic waste into the environment, overfishing with techniques that permanently damages ocean beds, chemtrails and geoengineering (releasing metal particles in the sky to dim the sun causing weather modification and making people sick) , hyperconsumerism polluting anything that is possible (even antibacterial soaps are destroying good bacteria found in rivers now), GMOs and MSGs, pesticides everywhere in the food chain.... and the list goes on and on, all is heavily documented on the EC blog.... Cynically, killing off billions of Earthians does not require such attacks on Nature and could easily be achieved with pandemics (megabugs escaping laboratories, Hollywood has produced many plots like this) for example, so the question is very real.... something much bigger is going on... 

Now that being said, we ought to question the role of cryptocurrencies in all this as they rather sound like distractions, used to deter the attention from what is going on at a much deeper level. Stock market speculations while the planet is being absorbed by a "dark energy" possibly from outer space, or an elite bent on sucking Life just out of everything while creating other species that will replace humans. 

It may seem as if humans have created the first computers and the internet, but considering the amount of evidence saying otherwise, it is about time to question this very seriously, and go back into time, when according to the myth, the Anunnaki gods appeared on Earth 5,000 years ago. (stay tuned, next blog will be about this)

Is Planet Earth Being Terraformed by Non-Humans?

October 29, 2017   |  Nicolay says that perhaps the most destructive use of these technologies that have ‘weaponized’ our atmosphere is the use  of the Earth itself “as a medium for transmitting massive scalar and  electromagnetic energy waves that could silently be used for enormously  destructive purposes anywhere in the world.” Awareness of  the potential for bullying countries into agreements regarding trade and  military installations can be considered when we read of unprecedented  anomalous hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, droughts, and bizarre  firestorms. They blame these occurrences on global warming, which then  justifies more geoengineering. Read between the lines. Our planet is  dying.   Nicolay: “By the mid to late 2010’s hardly any region on  Earth was free of the newly ionized and metalized atmosphere, or by  virtue of particle fallout, the ionization of the electromagnetic grid  system of the planet. Earth itself, and its atmosphere,  were [are] now the ideal medium for the transfer of vast waves of scalar  energy, which could be used to control weather patterns, control  natural phenomena, or directed and delivered with near pinpoint accuracy  and devastating results.” [Source]..............  Final Thoughts  There is something to think about here. We can ignore these  problems all we want, but they are not going away, but will rather  continue to exacerbate environmental and societal stress. Our  current popular understanding of how the world is managed does not have  an explanation for such heinous crimes against mother nature, of which  we are the ultimate victims.... MORE


The Future Is Now: The Silent Assimilation... What If The Aliens We Are Looking For Are AI?!

Reality Is Realistic: The Holy Secret Of The DNA And The Intergalactic Battle To Control It

Binary & Trinary Systems in the Matrix, Reality Is Now Stranger Than Science-Fiction

If you ever think that going money-free might never be possible,  please watch the EC trailer to assess the pity state of world affairs  now!   

The metaphysics of the Earth Custodians Movement is The Spiritual Science Of Vibration   

Thank you in advance for   following, upvoting, resteeming, help spread the aims of the   Earth Custodians and don't forget to continue your own research! http://www.earthcustodians.net


They have nothing in common! Because there are no aliens terraforming earth...lolz

Oh god please not the anunaki! Spare us one shred of our brain cells please!

And if we go money free, how will the Steemit platform function? I guess you are posting to get rid of the platform you are posting on...seems legit.

You knuckleheads keep upvoting her, great idea.

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