The Monetary Paradox: See What Happens When Saving Lives Is A Business?

in #science7 years ago (edited)

The list below is in no way exhaustive: BigPharma and corrupt MDs behind this nation wide opiod crisis in America should be added to the list. It is simply impossible to blog about this topic, unless one is a reporter doing this the whole day for a living. However if you scroll down this blog, you will come across other jaw dropping headlines. 

Isn't it appalling that most people whine about healthcare costs but when told some hard facts, the latter shrug or embrace fatalism. All this is exponential. This widespread and systemic fraud causes all insurance premiums to ever increase and there is no end in sight. 

So here are we, marching toward the abyss. Thanks to the business of saving lives! 

Life and Science cannot be monetized. Period. The scientific field should remain in the hands of truly dedicated people working for the betterment of society. But as long as money exists, it won't happen. 

PREVIOUS IMPORTANT BLOGS: Does A Death Cult Society Have The Right To Existence In The Perpetually Creating Universe? |  The 'Alchemic' Death Of Atheistic Science And The Dangers of Thriving Wellness Businesses | Reality Is Realistic: Why Are Medical Mistakes The Third Leading Cause of Death? | Reality Is Realistic: 40% Scientists Say Fraud Causing Crisis of Science  -- Can Science Be Saved?

The Unnecessary Root Canal Scam - Johnny FD  Unnecessary Root Canals. So why did the first dentist try to get me to do a root canal? First it's a scam to make more money.  | The Dangerous Truth About Root Canals | Underground Health ...What Are The Dangers of A Root Canal? 

Dentists inventing patients fuelling NHS fraud bill of more than £1billion every year, officials warn.'Dentists inventing patients and billing the NHS for work that was never  done are fuelling a health service fraud bill of more than £1bn a year. 

The booming business of U.S. birth tourism - CBS News 

The Business Of Being Born (FULL DOC)

Healthcare Fraud, Corruption and Waste in Europe. Healthcare Fraud, Corruption and Waste in Europe Healthcare fraud, corruption and waste are a serious and growing threat 

4 Cancer Charities Are Accused of Fraud

Mayo Clinic Finds Massive Fraud in Cancer Research | The Mayo Clinic discovers that two famous cancer research studies were actually fabricated and manipulated. 

Unbelievable scam of cancer industry blown wide open: $100 billion a year spent on toxic chemotherapy for many FAKE diagnoses...  National Cancer Institute's shocking admission affects millions of patients

Justice Department files record $900 million healthcare fraud ...(CNN)The  Justice Department announced Wednesday it's charging hundreds of  individuals across the country with committing Medicare fraud  

The Crime of Overbilling Healthcare | The Ralf Nader Page

UnitedHealthcare Sues Dialysis Chain Over Billing 

The metaphysics of the Earth Custodians Movement is The Spiritual Science Of Vibration   

Thank you in advance for  following, upvoting, resteeming, help spread the aims of the  Earth Custodians and don't forget to continue your own research!


This is a bit much of truth for your average person to handle ;) Thanks for posting.

hope this page didnt scare you off though... truth is addictive :)

I just saw a video the other day ...ProPublica? I think? ...was the site who made it. Anyway, they were discussing how pharmaceutical companies make more money through waste. Their two examples were any kind of eyedrop medicine: the drops are too big for any human eye to hold (which is why you get runoff even when you didn't miss). They developed a "micro drop" that works and is the right amount, but didn't ever use it because then they'd loose 50% of their income on wasted eyedrops. And we're not just talking Visine, we're talking expensive prescription glaucoma medicine. The second example was chemo drugs. There was this one that USED to be available in a multi-dose vial, that is, the doctor/nurse could withdraw the amount one patient needed, then withdraw the amount for another patient, etc. Now they are in single-dose vials, which means unless you are in the top percentile of size of patients (because dosage is based on patient size) , a good chunk, maybe half, of that vial gets literally tossed in the trash. That vial that costs $8000 or so.
It's so sickening.

I hear you, the medical field is a full fledged mafia today, no doubt about that. Check out the 4 headlines I added, they are previous blogs worth your time... unless you scrolled down my page and found them already.

The monetization of health is the last frontier and the evidence that monetarism is a huge issue that will need to be addressed. The quest for profit is killing the planet. Vaccines are too a huge topic... as said the list is non exhaustive... it is really bad out there.

Thanks for your attention

This is what happens when government gets involved in health care, lots and lots of waste. Healthcare is the most heavily regulated sector of the economy. Thanks Obama.

Yea I know, its not like everyone lives longer and better because of money.

So we should go ahead and get rid of money and REALLY watch people die. Billions of people dying of starvation and billions more dying of starvation related diseases. Earthcustodians will make the current problems look like a pimple on the ass of society.


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