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RE: Why do we have status symbols ? - Thoughts over thoughts

in #science7 years ago

Nicely presented and thought provoking. So many who have power only have it because we gift it to them through our own envy or insecurity. A diamond only has value if we cover it. To the person who has risen above such superficial cravings, it is less valuable. Think of the value of things in an apocalypse... Do movie stars or trinkets measure up to loyal friends and sustenance? A great post!


Thanks :) Yes, you are right. The value of a diamond is created because it is a rare material (even if we can already reproduce it synthetical), but who would care about a diamond in a time of an apocalypse? Really, I would love to get a diamond if you would offer me one, but in fact, I wouldn't change it for friends, knowledge or my health. I would consider between the personal value I had to give and the value it has for society, which it will give back to me. What I'm trying to say is, in the apocalypse, we are kind of set back in time, when it was only important to survive and get food. Our evolution lead us to where we are today. Rare materials were always powerful like the gifts settlers gave to natives, which weren't worth much for them, compared to the land they get, but for the natives they had a big worth as they hadn't got them. How often do we lose something valuable to smth we consider as more valuable? Looking at teenagers who replace their real friends to hang out with the "cooler" ones. They offer you popularity (material) but take you your land (real friends). I don't want to be the native who get's manipulated by the goods people consider to have a great value, but rather the one who keeps his land -> modern time: loss of friends for a big company: I would love to have a work in a high position of a company, but I wouldn't give my life for it as money isn't everything for me, so I see the value of money different as a person who spends his life on a job he/she hates, but does it just to earn much money. One day we will wake up and see, money won't give us anything but the ability to change it for goods. It can't buy you loyal friends...and that comes from me, a person spending hours to earn some extra money on steemit. Man I could hang up on this topic :D Gave me some inspiration for a post in the future about how we define value. Again, thanks for sharing you opinion @drwillwho

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