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RE: NASA are Lying Liars that Lie. Why do they lie?

in #science7 years ago

I had to check you out :) I've been down a lot of rabbit holes, and it really has gotten to the point where I not only don't believe what I was taught, the laughable science that is all theoretical since I've yet to here of something they've proven that in time hasn't been unproven. Except those things that have yet to be unproven lol. But I also question every single point that has turned up to counter the things we were told, or programmed to believe if you will. I get why people believe in a flat earth, I've seen the maps and it is almost more plausible than this being a spinning globe--except I'd really have to see the edge to know. Maybe it's more like a bowl--under a globe. Or a dome. Maybe. And that's the problem my new friend. We might be able to decide that things we've learned are not true, but finding out what is actually true is far more difficult. Disinformation is everywhere. Not just in mainstream media and news, but in the alternative places too.

One thing I will say, whoever actually does know the truth is watching us all chase our tails. The question is, do they think it's funny or sad or are they ambivalent? Are they rooting for us to figure it out or fail or just waiting to see which? It's easy to say that they must be evil, or psychopaths or narcissists, with the limited information we have it seems apparent that must be the case. But what if they just can't interfere? What if that's one of the rules? Every question begs another.

It would be so great if life were like GOT, a clear cut enemy, a tangible enemy like the army of the dead. Instead what do we have? An idea of a "They" that must be evil.

The only solution I currently have is to use our time, our gifts for good. To love, to be the light, to make music, and paint, and tell stories. To create.


Answering your questions is hard, because we do not share terms for "those who are watching us".

Mostly it boils down to humans have free choice. This means no helping unless specifically asked.

Which also means that all the evil in this world, we brought here. And we will have to clean it up ourselves. The races that do not work out how to peacefully coexists blow themselves up before they can get to any other planets. So, there really isn't a galactic evil enemy out there.

Remember how in the Truman Show the teacher kept saying that all the world has been explored? Well, that is sorta what TPTshouldn'tB have done. This is all "scientifically" settled science, so you don't need to look here.
Well, we do, and there is lots of open territory to start looking.

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