Existential threats to Humanity

in #science7 years ago (edited)

"Climatecatastrophes, caldera eruptions, advanced AI, global pandemics, asteroids, systemic collapses, synthetic viruses and thermonuclear warfare are a list of some of the worldshaking events that threatens our existence. The threats are real have perhaps never been greater in absolute terms, and yet much research is needed in the different fields to fully assess the magnitude. "

Many of the above mentioned problems are manmade. Take AI for instance, the reason why humans are so dominant on Earth is not because of raw muscle power nor speed of reproduction, but because of our relative intelligence compared to our rival lifeforms inhabiting the blue planet. Imagine developing and unleashing an entity that can selfevolve into something superceeding our own intelligence. We know far to little, regardless, were are travelling with unsurpassed speed down the AI route almost without looking around us. Or climate change that affects the entire planet, changing human habitats into swamps and deserts, forcing millions or perhaps billions into migration, which in itself is devastating to not only the moving communities, but also receiving communities.

To avoid potential damage to property and life and perhaps ultimately our existence, careful considerations, regulations and a healthy dose of research is required to make sustainable decisions, if we want to avoid waking up one day not being able to undo the mistakes of yesterday.

During September and October of 2017, an event called ”Existential risk to humanity”, hosted by Olle Häggström, professor in statistical mathematics at the university of Gothemburg will be held discussing our future.

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