
I think there was a break point where all these great discoveries lost

When christianity took over many temples of the old gods were burnt to the ground and thats where a lot of scripts were held
The dogmatic scholarship system definitely didn't help either

There is no connection between ancestral science and religion don't mix them

The library in Alexandria was burnt down by early christians that was a lot of ancient knowledge lost forever

You have my gratitude for wandering into my corner of Steemit, @eddard! :-) And you're so right to: not only in the name of Christianity but in the name of a lot of religions a lot of minds and knowledge have been destroyed throughout the ages. It's scary to think about sometimes: in the middle-ages when the Catholic rained supreme in Europe, it was particularly bad. Witch-hunts, public burnings and beheadings, thumbscrews, and a lot more super-cruel punishments were used in the name of the Church. Normally people don't feel the need to make a stranger suffer; only when organized under some sort of religion or ideology this ugly deformed group-mentality takes over, and suddenly we take our children to public executions as if it were a day out.

The burning of all that knowledge in Alexandria is probably the blackest page in the history of science...

I also believe that, on several occasions, humanity has been set back in development. In this particular case it looks like the Romans deliberately destroyed a lot of Greek knowledge and technology. But also Christianity has destroyed a lot, because the Greek were "pagans".

But in this particular case I suspect the Romans were the ones who wanted to wipe out the existence or identity of the Greek civilization; who hasn't heard the story of the Roman centurion who stabbed an old man drawing circles in the sand after he didn't immediately obeyed his commands: that old man was Archimedes according to contemporary Greek writers...

Another explanation of why we can't find more evidence of the advanced technology is the material they used: bronze corrodes real easy real fast.

But there are more archaeological finds that we can't place in time or still don't know the meaning of. What about all these megalithic buildings we wouldn't even be able to build today? Some of the ancient structures we find are just unbelievable; maybe I'll do a post on that to sometime :-)

Thanks for stopping by once again, @dpalash124, I really appreciate that!

I was reading about new finds on the understanding of stonehedge the other day apparently it fullfiled the same function as the device you wrote about a bit like a comparison between a computer from the 70'S and a modern microprocessor :)

Thanks for making me feel welcome here I'll pop in more often :)

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