Using Graphene To Detect Cancer Cells

in #science8 years ago

Scientists at the University of Illinois say that they have discovered a way to use graphene in order to detect cancer cells. The researchers were able to differentiate between a single hyperactive cancerous cell and a normal cell, by interfacing brail cells right onto the graphene itself. If proven more effective, this graphene discovery method could provide an efficient and noninvasive way of detecting cancer in patients.

They've published their findings in the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.

How Does It Work?

Cancerous cells exhibit more hyperactivity than normal healthy cells would, and because of that hyperactivity those cancer cells are going to produce a higher negative charge on the surface of the graphene. Once there is that higher negative charge established on the graphene, then it will result in protons being released and there will be a consequential change in the graphene's crystal lattice structure.

Graphene has broken records when it comes to its abilities in terms of strength, heat conduction, electricity, and more.

Once the unhealthy cell interacts with the graphene then it is going to rearrange the charge distribution that is associated with that graphene. Raman spectroscopy is then able to detect any modified energy of the atomic vibration.

Plans For The Future

Researchers are still experimenting with this method and they say that the results are very promising and it's expected that human trials using this method won't be too far off. They also say that there is the possibility that they might be able to apply this method/technology to inspect for other diseases as well.

Manufacturing Talk Radio


Never heard of Graphene but just Googled. Brilliant news

It's the dawn of Graphene Age :>

sure looks that way doesn't it?:)

Very much, sir! :)

Gave an upvote this is very interesting...Spread word STEEM cures cancer!!!

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