No Joke. Ecological Collapse Is Happening Before Our Eyes.

in #science5 years ago

How bad is it?

This graphic shows the state of things, as conservatively assessed by the IPBES, compared to the Aichi goals.

This is an absolute fucking joke, and I don't understand how the rest of the species on this becomming-a-shit-hole planet aren't freaking the fuck out and guillotining the sociopathic world elite intent on bleeding this planet of its last drops of surplus value before irreversible ecological collapse.


The graphic is taken from the Summary for policymakers of the global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. You can read the report here.

These are absolutely failing numbers by any standard of measurement.

Biodiversity loss has a clear and singular outcome: the end of the world.


And biodiversity, though important and urgent, isn't even the big one. The rampaging elephant in the nursery is CO2 emission.

As for doing something commensurate to the scale of the problem, my answer is that the emergency must grow even more dramatic, which it will. At one point, possibly too late, no amount of money and power will be able to cover up the damage and distract the victims. There might be guillotines on the table then.

At one point, possibly too late, no amount of money and power will be able to cover up the damage and distract the victims.

This is where we are heading and it terrifies me.

What's needed, and even the scientists are saying it, is a complete overhaul of how our society operates. On a global level. Immediately. But the problem isn't even getting people to agree on that. An even more terrible problem is the entrenched global ruling class stopping it from even being a consideration, with their armies of militarized police and, well, actual militaries.

I don't want to live in the Road Warrior. I prefer Star Trek.

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