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RE: All Hail The Conquering King: The Unstoppable Earthworm

in #science7 years ago

I had no idea earthworms weren't natural to north america! Back when I worked at the San Francisco Zoo, we talked about invasive species quite a bit - but we focused on the big case studies like Cane Toads in Australia, for example. The intent was to try and convince Californians to not get ferrets and hedgehogs as pets (as they're not native to the state). The biggest thing I learned: people don't care, despite being educated. Hopefully that attitude changes before it's REALLY too late...


There is actually active resistance to the concept in places- I know of at least one book claiming invasive plant species are a good thing. It's absurd, but it's there.

whaat!! ack!

Well actually not that surprised.. I mean the whole cane toad debacle in Australia was instigated because it was initially successful in Puerto Rico - the cane bugs were introduced to take care of the beetles and it worked in that cirucumstance. I don't know what the state of Cane Toads are now there, though.

Regardless, it might work in one place, probably as a fluke, but one instance shouldn't be the reasoning for doing it everywhere. :/ oy vey

Every single ecosystem is unique, and a species that fits just fine in one locale might die out in another and take over in a third!

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