Space Weather Daily Update for 11 July, 2018

in #science6 years ago

Critical Climate Events, Biggest Storms, Earth 2

The last 24 hours of the Earth facing disc shows no sunspots, no solar flares or other eruptions. The small coronal hole is almost center disc, we should see effects later this weekend. The solar wind is decreasing and the Planetary K-index is still show mid to high green levels, but nothing significant.

  • Tropical Storm Chris (NOAA Tracker) is now a hurricane. Still won't cause any problems. If it was pre-satellite era, it might have gone unnoticed.

Earthquakes and volcanoes of note

Space Objects

Three new Near-Earth Objects(NEO) added to the database. (2018 NE1) was first spotted on the 8th and is the size of a building. It will pass by at more than 2 million miles distance.

Other News

A research team led by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) found the fingerprint of a massive flood of fresh water in the western Arctic, thought to be the cause of an ancient cold snap that began around 13,000 years ago.

Which is twice the recycle rate of 5,250 year catastrophes for Earth. So, what they are saying is, in the past, the world was flooded.

~ Ben Davidson (Suspicious0bservers ) at
I am not affiliated with Ben Davidson or his work. I am a subscriber to SuspiciousObservers YouTube channel.

Space Weather




Asteroid Watch


Average distance between Earth and the moon is about 239,000 miles (385,000 kilometers).

ObjectFlyby DateAU distanceApproximate Sixe
(2018 NF1)2018-Jul-120.0463629 m - 64 m
(2018 NM)2018-Jul-170.0035914 m - 31 m
(2018 NE1)2018-Jul-210.0258362 m - 140 m
(2018 LQ2)2018-Aug-270.0240429 m - 65 m
(2016 GK135)2018-Aug-280.042906.4 m - 14 m

Close Approach Database


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Good to see Suspicious0bservers acknowledging that the Greenland calving event contributes to sea level rise.

But, you read the article below it, right?

So, what they are saying is, in the past, the world was flooded

Nope..they're not saying that at all.

They're saying that the (fresh) glacial melt at the end of the last ice age interrupted the Global
Thermohaline circulation.

Didn't say anything about a global flood.

Note: they seem to think that the degree of water salinity has something to do with the Thermohaline circulation....

They didn't say where the fresh water was from, it was unknown. Hence...

5250 year cycle. We have a could hundred years left. Maybe.

the 5250 yr cycle is bogus.
the period of continental glaciation is variable but are on the order of 100K years.
the interglacials are also of variable length but are on the order of 20K years.

there are other variables within the variable.
the younger dryas, for example, was a wild card. No one really knows what caused it.
An asteroid strike on the continental glacier is one guess.

Of course it is bogus, I created it from the Hebrew, Mayan, Hindu calendars and other sources trying to find a pattern.

humans are pattern seekers..that's what we do.
we find patterns where there are none.

Maybe we were designed to look for patterns.

that's a pattern looking for a pattern..

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