Why You Must Plan A Workout Routine For The Coming Year, 2018.

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Working out is not meant for the fat chics alone, neither is it secluded to our athletes. It's something all of us need to stay healthy. Healthy living comes as a result of living a happy and fun life - free of negativity, eating good food, getting far as much as possible from toxins and pollution and also, exercising.

What is Exercising?

Exercising is an engagement in physical activities for the purpose of improving and sustaining health and fitness. Exercise bring the body to a state that blood begin to pump faster, the heart begins to work faster and the muscles of the body work more than they used to. 

Exercise might seem like hard work,

And also as a time consumer, but there are good reasons to exercise. The benefits of exercising are much more compared to the time used and energy burnt. It would be nice to start planing a workout routine for yourself for the coming year. You might ask "Why?". These are my top eleven reasons you should...

1.   It makes you happier: Exercising help you a lot especially if you live a depressed life. Exercising is linked with having good hormone. Exercising releases hormones that elevated your mood which make you feel more happier.

2.   It boost your confidence: Exercising improves your look which gives you a sense of confidence. It also releases hormones into your blood stream that also contributes to your confidence feelings.

3.   It improves your posture: Do you have a bad posture? Exercising is a good way to go. You can check out your posture defect online and a correction exercise or better still see a exercise physiologist.. Visit and see the miracle that boost your confidence and posture.

4.   It relives stress: Stress is very bad for the body and the mind. It reduces productivity and make you age faster. We live in a society that is filled with a lot of stressful activities. Things are becoming more strenuous on human even from the office down to our school. You can prevent the adverse effect of stress by hitting up the gym. Exercise is a great way of relieving stress.

5.   It improves sleep: Do you find it hard sleeping? Do you have quality sleep every time? Sleep is very essential for the body as it help the body relax and repair damage tissues. The quality of your sleep determines a lot about your life. You can sense this better when you have a nightmare, the whole day could go sluggishly without you being productive. Exercises have a great impart in improving your sleep.

6.   It improves your skin and muscle tone: Exercise helps to tome the muscles and the skin. 

7.   It regulate you appetite: Exercise help you burn unwanted calories, it also restore healthy appetite back to the body system.

8.   It instills discipline: Do you know why you often plan and don't do them? Do you know why you have new year routines and resolutions years after year without doing anything? Do you know why you are a great procrastinator? You lack discipline. Success don't come as a result of your tireless lazy sitting on the couch, it comes as a result of hard work which are things you learn by hitting off to the gym. You learn to be disciplines and work towards task all in exercising your muscles. 

9.   It enables you body make judicious use of what you eat: You eat a lot of things that are beneficial to your body but most times, the body disposes them off in regards that they are not needed. Exercising helps breakdown cells in your body and these food substances are used in rebuilding your tissues to a better and more rigid version. This new tissue is superior to the latter and you know what this means - a life superior to the one you lived before exercising.

10.   It helps you clear toxins in your blood: Toxins accumulates in our body as a result of the air we breath-in and the food we take. Most of the food we take contains a lot of chemical components that are hazardous to the body. These toxins are responsible for premature aging, wrinkling of skin, low mental ability, susceptibility to sickness and the rest. Exercising helps your detoxifying organs and tissues to effortlessly and quickly get rid of these toxin. Drink a lot of water as this also help in side with cardio exercising.

11.   It improves your overall life: Your overall life is improved. Mentally, Academically, Maritally (especially in area of sex), Health-wise etc. You notice an overall turn around and find it easier to accomplish goals. This all coils down to the fact that you make use of your muscles to a great extent. Exercising help keep your kidneys, lungs, intestines, heart, brain, skin and muscles healthy. Don't be afraid to exercise, these muscles are created for movements. 

So how do you go about it?

It's not compulsory you start off by hitting up the gym; there are a lot of home workouts available which will still do in absence of gym equipment. There are four types of exercise:

  • Aerobics Exercise
  • Flexibility Exercise
  • Strength Exercise
  • Balance Exercise 

  1. Aerobic Exercise: They are also known as Endurance Exercises. They are intended to increase your breathing and heart rate. Exercises include jogging, dancing, climbing stairs, running etc. They keep the body healthy, especially the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. This type of exercise should be planned into your routine, it is highly beneficial.
  2. Flexibility Exercise: They are not necessary in maintaining overall health but help the body in attaining wide range of motion. This exercise include yoga and stretching. It helps in cubing arthritis.
  3. Strength Exercise: The intention of these exercise is to improve strength in the body. Strength exercise help in improving the muscles and bones so as to be able to do more than it used to. Exercises include weight lifting, using resistance machine etc.
  4. Balance Exercise: Necessary for old people to maintain their balance. Exercise include Heel-to-toe walking, standing on one foot etc. 

Now that you've know the types of exercise, you know the one you are most concerned with. Next is to go online and read about different exercises you can engage in for your desired result. There are good youtube channels and also apps available. I hope to see you in 2018 with your exercise routine well planned.

Further reading:

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