10 Unauthorized Animal Stereotypes [part.1]

in #science7 years ago

When we are child, we often story or cartoon story where the characters are animals. As time passes, this protagonist's animal character shows its continuous and continuous characteristics. For example, a sly fox, a wicked snake, a cheerful bird and a chatty and helpful hen hen.

While many animals have different meanings in each of our cultures, stereotypes about them can be found in almost everyone. Some stereotypes may stem from many assumptions and beliefs, but like other stereotypes in general, people's differences can be lost when we try to generalize the properties of our furry friends. In fact, some of these stereotypes have no valid foundation.

Well, before we try to hug Koalas, swim with dolphins that always smile or kill spiders, let's try to identify 10 animals that are completely opposite to their stereotype......

1. Koala it's feels good to hug

With its large smooth ears, its furry body and sleepy character, it is only natural that the Koalas gain a reputation as an adorable creature to embrace. We must have seen koalas climbing tree trunks with curious faces facing the cameras, almost like a human baby being held by a father or a mother. But even though the koalas are funny and adorable, but wild koalas we should not hug.

First, the Koala fur, though it looks soft and smooth, but is actually thick and coarse, more like wool than cat hair. The feathers on their bodies are waterproof and protect the Koalas from extreme heat and cold temperatures. Koala is equipped with perfect equipment to live in trees. Both the front and back organs are filled with strong muscles, coupled with sharp claws on each palm to help them grip the tree trunks and take care of their coarse hairs.

While Koalas may be arguably lacking in aggressive nature, a wild koala will use its claws and sharp teeth to defend itself when it feels threatened. And one way to make it threatened is to carry it. Our natural instincts when looking at koalas are probably wanting to pick them up like we hold babies or small children, but in order to get a sense of security, Koalas need something to grab when they are picked up. So unless our skin is stronger than tree trunks, it's better to let them be handled by well-trained experts.

2. Bats will try to attack human hair

They are furry. They can fly, and they're actually funny, too. Bats may indeed have bad reptutations, but they perform many useful tasks. They help pollinate the trees of all kinds of fruit, as well as eat them and also can kill many insect pests fields in just one night. And of course not, they will not attack our hair. So where does this myth come from?........

Maybe this is because they can fly and many people assume that they are ugly. The novel entitled "Dracula" by Bram Stoker introduces the idea of

a bat that turns into a vampire and also includes a bat that sucks the blood of a mare, despite the fact that vampire bats are very small and live only in Central and South America, and they need no more from two tablespoons of blood each day.

Bat World Sanctuary speculates that any bat flying near our head is likely to make a "batline" for a flying mosquito hovering over our heads. And since almost all kinds of bats eat only fruits and insects, they have no desire to attack our hair. Bats are excellent navigators, using both eyes (they are not blind too) and sophisticated sonar devices to avoid objects as thin as fishermen's nets as well as our hair and mapping the environment. A researcher once tried to trap a bat to get caught in his hair, but the bat avoided it.

3. The pig is Filthy

We certainly would not be flattered if we are called or got the title / call "Pig". But when we know the misconceptions related to this social and clever animal, maybe we will smile to those who threw the call while saying "Thank You". :)

In fact, pigs are among the cleanest animals on the farm. They can not sweat and if given a choice, they will not waste water anywhere or around their area to eat and sleep. Pigs are also smarter and easier to train than dogs or cats. So how ?......

Because pigs can not sweat, they often roll around in the mud to cool-down themselves. Mud also protects their skin from sunburn and insect bites. 

Their attraction to the mud can give the impression and appearance of dirty, but if they really become smelly or splattered besides mud, then it is purely our fault. On large farms, pigs are often fed too much and placed on small, narrow and crowded cages, preventing their natural nature and instinct to rid themselves and increasingly making stereotypes that they are even more vicious animals.

4. Dolphins always smile and happy

Remember the TV series called "Flipper"? Television series that tells about Florida park keepers and his family of dolphins and aired in 1964-1967. Played by 5 different bottle nose dolphins, Flipper is portrayed as a figure of a creature who is always happy, intelligent, and likes to help the guard and his son in each of their adventures.

Stereotypes about friendly dolphins and a happy smile are also reinforced by aquarium shows featuring dolphins that have been trained and with the offer of "swimming experience with dolphins" from the aquarium. But the truth is, dolphins can not change their facial expressions. What appears to be a smile is the result of the permanent indentation of their mouth and the anatomical structure of the jaw and their expression will always be the same as it does not matter they are being trained by the aquarium trainer or are fighting aggressively with other dolphins.

Associated with their "happy" expression, an activist and former dolphin trainer, Ric O'Barry who captures and trains at least one dolphin on the Flipper series strongly believes that the dolphins are in a state of stress, not happy at all and even depression in the aquarium cultivation where he worked for 40 years then he demanded that all the captured dolphins be released into the wild.

5. Profit spiders always want to bite

Put our insect spray. The spider is not chasing us, doesn't want to bite us. Like bats, spiders prey on dangerous insects and most of them just avoid humans. However, there are still many people who are afraid and do not hesitate to hit, or shout when they see them. Spiders are not blood-sucking animals, and they have no reason to bite anything bigger than they are to eat.

In fact, an Arachnologist, Rod Crawford of the Museum of Natural History and Culture wrote that he had been bitten by a spider twice during his 30 years of career with thousands of spiders. Indeed, in some rare cases, their bites can indeed occur, this is probably due to someone disturbing him by entering the territory he has mastered. Nevertheless, the so-called aggressive spider house, also known as the "Hobo Spider" is not aggressive towards humans. They can bite if they feel threatened or if their egg sacs are in danger, but they tend to always avoid rather than hunt us down.

Do you feel bitten by a spider?....

Are you sure it was a spider bite?....... Unless we do see the spiders that bite us you know, the possibility that bite us is actually a louse or mite that often lodged in our mattress or sofa, or we may have allergic reactions to certain plants, bacteria and so forth.

Wait @Daily-Science next post : 10 Unauthorized Animal Stereotypes [part.2]...

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