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RE: How Light Really Works

in #science6 years ago

Still need to finish reviewing all your material.. . But I'll throw out a couple interesting ideas I've had as conversation starters...

  1. EARTH can easily be changed to HEART by moving one letter. What if the Earth represents our hearts? Or the heart of God? The big fear is about global warming. The Bible says in the end times, the hearts of many will grow cold. Maybe we NEED to warm our hearts or "global warming" could be a good thing.
  2. Everything in our Solar System revolves around and depends upon the Sun. Arguably the most influential human to ever live claimed to be the Son of God. He also claimed to be the Light of the World. The Sun is the light of our world.
  3. We are all made up of particles which we call as atoms. Likewise, according to Biblical history, we all descended from a man named Adam.

I realize this is the less scientific approach but I believe the answer to be rather simple that a child or an unlearned person could easily grasp and understand. I also believe what you described as information attracting to larger masses and as you go it gets easier and easier to understand more and more. It's like if all the pieces of the puzzle are put together PROPERLY, then it gets faster and easier as you go. You are removing those incorrect pieces (assumptions) and it really clears things up. I also believe in a collective consciousness (or you could call it the Mind of Christ) in which it only takes one person to truly understand something for all of us to collectively understand it together at the same time. It's sort of like a light being turned on for humanity. It seems the ultimate goal is UNITY and ONENESS. Gravity (or Love) being that force pulling all of us back together as ONE.


That's a really interesting connection to make regarding "Earth" and "Heart". Earth is certainly alive and maybe is much more heart-like in nature than I've realized. I have read about Viktor Schauberger's interpretation of water as literally the blood of the Earth, which also connects into that. All I can do is ponder it as the days pass and keep it in mind. The connection is pretty clear now that I see it, if something else pops up I'll definitely remember.

As far as global warming, there is so much to that topic. Firstly, it is not man-made and the science behind it is pseudoscience at best, and intentional manipulation at worst. There are several instances where the numbers of previous years have been "corrected" later on to make the curve look more steep. To me, the entirety of global warming is a sham with the intent to increase taxes on people to further feed the system that is leeching off individuals. Not to say that we don't need to change how we do things, for at least pollution sake. With that said, there are some interesting suggestions that other planets may be undergoing climate change. I have theorized that, if Planet X/Nibiru exists, then perhaps it is effecting the climates on planets by inserting another energy source into the mix, but that is just conjecture. Simply put though, global warming is a lie propagated to further take wealth through taxation. It blames the problems on the way society functions to get individuals to actually support the "cause", through first stealing money by taxation and then using that stolen money to raise awareness and fund research of people who will produce the desired results to convince enough people that yet another form of tax is necessary.

I would say that when the Bible talks about the hearts of men growing cold, it is because people don't follow the Infinite God. This means their energy source is infinitesimal next to The Infinite. The outcome of an infinitesimal energy source is that a given system will shrink and approach infinitesimal in energy itself, which is alike to approaching absolute zero Kelvin; cold. Only when one's God is The Infinite God do they have the Infinite vat of energy so as to warm their hearts.

There is much more to Jesus than meets the eye. I would recommend reading the New Testament with the concept that Jesus specifically knows that God is Everything, and that he only speaks truth. His parables are specifically spoken in such a way where it is easy to conclude, if one does not consider that he knows that God is Infinite, that he is saying that he himself is the route to salvation, but always simultaneously speaking in such a way where it could also be read as him saying that The Infinite God is the route to salvation. This produces a polarity that essentially allows free will choice to choose The Infinite or a part of All, which is synonymous with "infinitesimal", as God. I don't know what your position on Jesus is, but if you openly read it with those concepts in mind you may find it very surprising how many layers of meaning are buried within.

Also, regarding the sun--the same goes for the sun. Next to Infinite, it is infinitesimal. Jesus undoubtedly knew that God was Everything and fully was able to understand himself to be God, but what focusing on him does is it silently says "nothing else is God". This is the greatest error of logic and reason that society can possibly commit. I believe that he knew God's Will was for him to offer society the option to perceive him and him alone as God, and he was able to truly do all the things he is said to have done to give all the evidence necessary for people to jump to that conclusion. It is no accident that he speaks in parables; it is intentionally done so. This means he can speak the truth while still giving people the opportunity to freely choose what is only a faint reflection of truth. He is God and he knows it. But so too are all things in the infinite cosmos.

Also, it is very important to read several translations of the Bible. I could go on and on, I haven't really written much about Jesus specifically because I know it is a very touchy subject to say even the things I've said in this post. But the truth is the truth. I just want all to know themselves so we can move forward to the next step. This is my objective with everything I do, be it these posts, streaming, or whatever I do.

There is so much to the Bible. I like to say that the Bible doesn't come with an instruction manual. But this is not the truest of statements. The instruction manual for interpreting the Bible is written in all things. The Bible is, in a way, only able to be fully understood after many other understandings. It's like the "Order of Operations" in math. If we do things out of order, it is easy to arrive at the wrong answer. The universe is infinite, and Genesis is extremely complex. It may seem simple as we can read it at any point, but its truths are buried deep below the surface. The Bible is such a masterpiece and work of art, but it has so many layers of meaning that it is impossible to dig deeply without the right tools. Ultimately, I would say that it is not as simple as us descending from Adam. There is so much more to what is going on then meets the eye. I certainly don't know everything, but I can say with certainty that the depth of the Bible is profound, and demonstrably the greatest proof of God's existence in much more subtle ways than is presently known.

The answer is extremely simple: God is Everything. All is One and One is All. This is the most fundamental truth of reality, and indeed anyone can grasp. Whether they accept it, though, is a function of their current position. It is very good to be acknowledging the concept that larger masses attract more mass. This is one of the most important types of connections to be made to really expand awareness to the true connections between consciousness and physics. This can be done with literally anything. Like if you picture a river that you cannot cross, but then you grow in size and so that same river is then a trickle. In this same way can we grow larger than our problems. They are only problems in our current societal collective state-of-mind. But when we grow in consciousness, through fundamental awareness that God is All, then we can grow larger than any problem we face so as to find the mountains in our way to be but a gentle unnoticeable surface roughness.

I agree with the collective consciousness. However, I believe it is a process that "crescendos" in that moment. We won't just one day have all our problems go away in a moment without any struggles. Rather, events will tend towards it as people collectively grow in consciousness until that final "ah-ha!" moment happens that brings the instantaneous, complete unity and oneness of all.

I like to think of it as God being alike to a magnet and we are each like iron filings. When we get close enough, we will all be in alignment and an ordered structure will truly manifest with God as the focal point of all. In the meantime, we are working our way towards proper alignment (focus on God as well as not resisting) and getting close enough to be pulled in by God's Love.

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