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RE: kurzgesagt Science on youtube

in #science6 years ago

Hey, thanks for sharing. Once I saw that channel on YT while I was looking for information for my studies (I'm trying to be a scientist! haha) and I couldn't remember channel's name.


Cool what branch of science are you interested in?

I study physics, but I'm interested in any branch of science. Although, I prefer reading astrophysics and technology articles :)

I wish i'd gone down the science route but i ended up joining the airforce as an Electrical engineer, finished after 12 years and now working on the railway.
So i guess my interest in all things science stems from my background in engineering.

I'm always pondering ways of generating electricity, i thought of something the other day basically anywhere where there is movement we could generate electricity, so i thought why not lay cables in motorways and make it a requirement to have magnets underneath cars to induce into those cables.

Whether that is feasible is another question.

That sounds really amazing, you could write some articles trying to explain the idea and asking for help to develop it, I'm pretty sure there are some good scientists here ready to help.
Actually I don't know if that's possible but I think that would be spectacular.

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