Too Cool Not To Share - RED SPRITES

in #science7 years ago

I have a cool app on my MacBook.

It presents NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

The latest image posted at APOD is a photo of "Red Sprites," a rare and fascinating atmospheric phenomenon.

The sprites look downright spooky to me!

This photo is not them!

Scroll down for a link to the Red Sprites image.

Aurora Photographed From Orbit

Aurora Photographed From Orbit
Photo courtesy of NASA and

Due to copyright restrictions,

I can't share the image itself other than "by reference," and so here is the link:

On that page, click on the image itself to view the highest resolution version.

The bright red color is interesting, quite different from the "blue" or "white" of lightning. The sprites seem to me somewhat similar in appearance to Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, although again the color differs a lot.

The image on APOD is only a frame from a video. Be sure to watch the video itself (below) to get a sense of how transient these Red Sprites are:

Keep in mind that you can see something new and wonderful daily at APOD:

Astronomy Picture Of The Day

Bookmark the site,

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@creatr @creatr @creatr

Great share. Love the recommendation for the app. Thanks!

You're welcome. Thanks for stopping by! ;)

What a genius ^~


WOW! I do not know what to say! But I know God speaks to us in unusual ways in the heavens.

Beautiful, isn't it? :D

if you like that check out this amazing NOVA documentary where they actually stayed on anairplan and recorded sprites happening !

Steemit for science is going to rule! Much better than the politicized reddit science! STeemits science hub is gonna teach kidds that u CAN make money off what some may find boring sciences no if its a real sciece and ur passiionate about t chances are youll suceed sharing it!

I always loved the old proise of science and space travel ad futurama and explorapeda that old vaporwave aesthetiic from early 90s wen inte et just started and having an encyclopiedia CD rom or being online wwhen WIkipeia first cme out an just being up all nightlearning from wikipedia! remember those days!!?

Now steemit can be liek a wikipedia u can get paid from! (like the Lunyr decentralized wiki program where authors get paid for god accurate work

man that plus Augur plus peerplays isplus all this new tech is amazing!

when i was a kid space and sciebce and the beach an nature the Jungle the an Diego Zoo and the big Imax DOme Theatre at thee natural history museum and Science Ceenter was always SO insiring to me as a kid!

who else remembers local imax movies about nature and space and mt everest or the ocean at their local natura history museum?!?!

The imax dome is nice.
Thanks for sharing the documentary, I'll have to find some time for it. ;)

Interesting article! Now I follow you.

wow... really cool @creatr
really really cool

I thought so... ;)

I love thinking about how people used to feel when they'd see it pre-science days. What's God up to now, eh? always up to no good.

There seems to always be something fascinating going on in the sky...

Aurora right ? I think its called that, either way your post is amazing. Way out of amazing.

Actually, not an aurora... something different. But it does look a little similar.

If you follow the link, you can see and read that it is not an aurora. The auroras hang around a lot longer. These sprites are just very quick flashes. Take a look at the video!

Yeah saw it, its really odd.

Interesting article! Now I follow you.

Thank you, @klausd, and welcome to my blog!

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wow cool man!


Looking at these a little longer, the sprites also remind me a little bit of Tesla coil discharges:

and of the fringes of streamers in a plasma globe:

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