Random Science Facts with Music

in #science6 years ago

Each video in this video series is a collage of random science facts with music. They contain little tidbits of information from, mainly the fields of biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering and sometimes cultural curiousities.
I provide links to further information about the topics in the video that might have sparked your interest, in case you would like to research it further.

Science is a beautiful thing and there is a treasure trove full of sicentific discoveries or just simple facts out there.

All roads lead to rome, but some are faster

Small visual demonstration of the first law of motion
source: Bloomington High Flyers Trapeze Group

How a moderate car accident can trigger a mighty domino chain
reaction on the road

Yes, these cops ran up a wall using a pole. Physics explains how

A fractal is a mathematical set that exhibits a repeating pattern displayed at every scale

This is a bird's eye view of the world's tallest waterfall, standing at 979 meters (3,212 feet): Angel Falls located in Venezuela

Cleaner fish are fish that provide a service to other fish species by removing dead skin and ectoparasites: the instinct is so strong that cleaner fish display the same behavior on humans,
if they show up like 'clients fish' opening their mouth http://bit.ly/2DWTmEj

What are the biggest waves in recorded history? http://buff.ly/2j0KAt3

Remora front dorsal fins have evolved to enable them to adhere by suction to smooth surfaces and they spend their lives clinging to a host animal such as a whale, turtle, shark or ray. This is a whale shark

The Kessler syndrome is a scenario in which the density of objects in low earth orbit is high enough that collisions between objects trigger a chain reaction that could render space activities in specific orbital ranges infeasible for many generations http://bit.ly/2G7DUpo

The average rooster crow is about 130 dB, about the same volume as standing 15m from a jet taking off. To prevent deafness from their own calls, roosters have evolved soft tissue that covers half of the eardrum while crowing

Evaporation is a type of vaporization of a liquid that occurs from the surface of a liquid into a gaseous phase that is not saturated with the evaporating substance.

Friction is an intuitive concept, but what if you need to model it at a microscopic level?

Just how far can a motorcycle lean in a turn?

Mechanitis is a genus of tigerwing (Ithomiini) butterflies, named by Johan Christian Fabricius
in 1807. It has gained fame due to the metallic appearance of the chrysalis in certain phenotypes

Roll clouds are really rare: every time they show up, it's a show (like this one spotted over Calgary, Canada in 2013)

The story of Lynlee, the baby that was born twice. Dr. Oluyinka Olutoye and Dr. Darrell Cass, both pediatric surgeons, removed her from the womb to cut out a tumor, placed her back and several weeks later Lynlee was born healthy

This vine-like robot can grow across long distances without moving its whole body. It could prove useful in search and rescue operations and medical applications

Steam trains are still used around the world and their fire sparks are sometimes a show in the night


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