Let's talk about our origins // Reflect on the formation of our planet

in #science6 years ago (edited)

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How was the environment where life appeared?

To answer this, he posed the following example: Have you played with puzzle logos?

If you have done it, then surely you can analyze the following:

All the pieces are not the same, some are square, others elongated, some round and others rectangular. Where joining small pieces you shape a door, a window, a roof, then join all the small parts and get to build a house or a truck. More or less in the same way, living matter was built.

I have read many hypotheses about the formation of the earth and how life originated in it, among these hypotheses I want to point out that life on earth arose as a result of molecular evolution, which has led Various scientists and scholars of the matter, is that an abiotic evolution must have occurred first, that is, an evolution of the inorganic molecules. This conclusion makes a lot of sense in my opinion if we take into account that in the first years of the earth formed there was no component of organic origin that gave rise to the first living beings on the planet.

What has science had to do to address the search for knowledge about the origin of life?

In order to understand these enigmas, today's man, along with advances in science and technology, has had to deal with the matter by returning in time and going back some 3800 million years, where it was the time where our planet was being formed. point where scientific and technological studies have had to reconstruct that past based on verifiable scientific evidence, the entire chain of events and events that gave rise to the appearance of the first living organisms. In order to do so, it is necessary to walk on this path of events and events that landed in the study of the origins of life on earth. We must take a journey through the interesting adventure of knowing all these paths:

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Formation of the earth

Although there is no certainty to know how the events that gave rise to life occurred, there is scientific evidence that gives us some indication of how that environment was in the beginning of the formation of our planet.

Laplace theory: Laplace proposed in his theory that the sun and the planets of the solar system were formed from a rotating nebula that cooled, collapsing later, to condense into rings that later gave rise to the planets, among them the planet earth.

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Panspermia theory: He argued that life on earth may have had an extraterrestrial origin. It was proposed by Arrhenius in 1908. For many times it has been a hard debate, but in the light of the latest findings it is considered that life originated on earth, although with the collaboration of "chemical" parts of extraterrestrial origin.

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In particular I think that we as a human species are recent as the birth of species on the planet, because if we analyze it due to the fact that the earth is approximately 4600 million years old, according to the data provided by radiometric dating. All this makes us think of what the earth would be like in its first years of formation, according to geological studies they estimate that the first 1000 million years the environment on the planet was hostile, that is to say, there was no life in it, all this motivated pressures emerged from the interior of the magma made form islands and volcanoes that spewed fire, lava and gases, where from the space fell myriads of meteorites that contribute elements and compounds to the young planet. All this activity made it impossible for any kind of life on the planet to develop.

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All this makes me think that the remaining 3600 million years would not stop all kinds of activities with high energy in various activities of solar radiation, volcanism, thunderstorms, apart from all this ultraviolet rays, on the other hand, freely penetrated our atmosphere, where these rays would also be lethal to modern life as we know it today. Therefore the earth from the origin of its formation would need millions of years for the first forms of life to appear on earth, and another few million years for human life to appear in it.

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Conclusion and Considerations

I start from the idea that if our planet was formed within a cumulus of conditions and environment similar to that which formed the other planets of our solar system, by logical deduction I can think that if today we have life of all kinds on our planet , in that same proportion there is a high possibility that there is life in other planets of our universe and perhaps our solar system, that is why I invite you to analyze the following question:

Is there life beyond the earth?

The universe is infinite and it is difficult to believe that we are the only ones. Exobiology or Astrobiology deals with studying the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Someone could think to worry about the origins of the universe, if the origins of our planet are still inconclusive, but I am one of those who think that the study of the life forms of the universe should converge in the study about the origins of our planet, that is, once we have scientific proof of the true origins of our planet, we can jump to the investigations about the origins of life in the universe, and with this we can corroborate that we are not alone in the universe, that is, we are not the only way of life within the great infinite universe.


In the vast universe, our loved planet is much less than a dust grain. There must be life in many other planets outside the solar system.

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