Let's reflect on the origins of life

in #science6 years ago

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If we look around us, life presents itself in its diversity of shapes and sizes. We can take as an example the different ecosystems and inhospitable regions where life shines, we can find a great biological variety that since ancient times was expressed in different manifestations where it is the object of worship and admiration. For science one of the main challenges is to explain the origin of life, and that this has been a challenge that has been raised since ancient times, but that even with all the progress that science has had, they continue to pose the same questions about the origin of life, as for example

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How and when did life appear?

It is quite difficult to know the details of an event that occurred in very distant times, but each time you have more and better information, although you may never know exactly the answer.

The problem of the origin of life is one of the most suggestive, but also the most difficult to face. However, modern science allows itself to propose an acceptable hypothesis, and to reach this point has not been easy, it is a series of events, where contradictions and criticisms arise by criteria contradictory to others that with or without foundation deny and go against others, many times science has had to reformulate and rearrange theories about the origin of life and adjust it to modern life forms, all of which I can summarize with the following example: "as well as a Detective reconstructs the facts of a crime based on evidence, even if he has not been an eyewitness to it, and can nevertheless clearly describe how the crime occurred, in the same way science has tried to reconstruct the events that led to the crime. to the emergence of life."

To understand a little this process of evolution in the various theories about the origin of life that science has been adopting over time, it is necessary not only to know the ideas that scientists have had throughout the different stages and epochs , but also to appreciate on what evidences founded such ideas. For this it is also necessary to evaluate the various disputes held by scientists and philosophers who tried to answer the following question:

How did life appear?

Science when it has been responsible for studying life has helped us to understand how we are the living beings that populate the planet earth, that is why when we observe an animal, a tree, a tiny protozoon, all have in common is that they have life , then, is when I say that life can serve us to distinguish inert matter from living matter, right? Very good, but what is life made of? There are many characteristics of living organisms that differ from the elements that do not have life, each and every one of these comparative elements within what would be the characteristics of living and non-living beings, we can go deeper and deeper into a deep investigation that help clarify all the questions that we have been dragging since ancient times as far as theories about the origin of life on earth.

With so many researches made throughout history, then I recompose myself in the analytical senses of thought, and I ask myself:

What is life finally?

Everything we see and can touch is because it is matter, this matter in turn has different ways of expressing and organizing itself, in turn when this matter can be distinguished from inert matter to express itself before us as living matter, we would be talking about a The quality that it has to manifest itself is when we know the life manifested in what we see and feel. In addition to this once that living matter is part of a living being that is organized, complex, self-regulates, reproduces, evolves and interacts with the environment that surrounds it then we see life expressed in its maximum exemplary and exponent.

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Historical development on the various theories about the origin of life.

We humans have tried to explain the origin of life, since ancient times it has been granted to the origin of life to entities of divine character, so many ideas in this sense were reduced to disputes and religious controversies. The hypothesis of the spontaneous generation of life was another idea that prevailed for a considerable time, with this theory it was thought that some species could be generated spontaneously, from inert or non-living materials, all this leads me to think the fact How can you explain these ways of perceiving life in the light of modern knowledge? Although some of these postulates were based on careless observations and would give us up to laugh hoyen day, since ancient times had a profound impact on the progress of science and theories about the origin and various forms of life.

However, as science has advanced many modern scientists do not doubt that there are organisms that appear spontaneously from organic matter or decomposed or rotting, this is the case of worms, which are observed in the Decaying cadaveric remains.

It is difficult to believe today that these great scientists could be wrong in the jurisdiction of the results of their statements, since many lacked an experimental nature, that is why year after year the theories were disproved, since the statements and laws Theoretical that the preexisting ones were laying down, it is because these new ones had an experimental character of which the others lacked. All this made for example that the theory of biogenesis knocked down the belief of the hypothesis of the spontaneous generation of life, since it was demonstrated with experiments in hand that life comes from pre-existing life, a theory that was only accepted for the time if these principles were used to explain the appearance of macroscopic organisms.

All these disputes between theories regarding the origins of life were gradually given until a theory arrived that was most accepted, but without being the most conclusive and only accepted. That is why until now what I can say is that all scientific studies conducted to date, both experimental and observable philosophical can say that life can only arise from pre-existing life, ie, for example a living being mammal arises as a result of the reproductive act of the parents, who in turn came to the world thanks to the reproductive act of their own, and so on, all this leads me to think that the followers of biogenesis were right in their ideas, and The best of the case is that all their theories are experimentally demonstrated, however they have never been able to explain how the abiotic elements were organized to originate life.

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With all the efforts to try to discover the origin of life through scientific studies, some experimental and others observable and philosophical made that until now this entire case remains inconclusive in the sense that what was possible to demonstrate lacks answers for other questions that still arise today, other theories such as the religious ones give a fairly certain and credible conviction, since for me if the most accepted theory is that of biogenesis, this means that of living organisms come by deduction could say that of divine origin we come, however it can not be an absolute theory in science and lacks experimental demonstration, that's where I leave these questions for discussion in the comments of this publication:

Who has been right about the theories of the origin of life?

Are you all wrong?

Do all have part of truth in the theories that have been exposed about the origin of life?

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