The Searl Effect and Solution- An interview with a Free Energy Inventor

in #science8 years ago


Carlita is very honoured and graced with the presence of Sir John Roy Robert Searl, a free energy inventor and Bradley Lockerman, the director and producer of "The John Searl Story". Professor Searl has devoted his life to The Searl Effect Generator, which could address so many of humanity's energy demands in addition to planet earth's ecological issues. Professor Searl shares his experiences, challenges and triumphs with the evolution of his work and knowledge of the SEG and how this technology powered by a magnetic generator could be used to transform human society into a sustainable one.

Click here to download free podcast and listen to John Searl talk about his SEG antigravity device;

John Searl talks about his inspiration and visions in childhood dreams that motivated his building of the the SEG, he shares with listeners his extraordinary discoveries with the properties the SEG shows during flight, how it can clean up radiation, transform seawater into fresh pure drinking water, the SEG also addresses drought and could provide rain where there are deserts, and provides incredible benefits to human health.

John Searl explains how the SEG flight model could provide fast economic and safe air transportation in minutes rather than hours from continent to continent and that it could be used as a more efficient securer form of space travel. The uses and benefits of the SEG are limitless and the science and technology it could provide humanity is fascinating and enlightening. Professor Searl has devoted his entire life to making the SEG available to transform humanity to become more sustainable on planet earth.

Bradley Lockerman highlights how Nasa's latest press release and  discoveries on dark energy  can explain the physics behind the Inverse Gravity Vehicle (the levity disc) which enables it to fly so efficiently. John Searl explains how the SEG flight model could provide fast economic and safe air transportation in minutes rather than hours from continent to continent and that it could be used as a more efficient securer form of space travel. The uses and benefits of the SEG are limitless and the science and technology it could provide humanity is fascinating and enlightening. Professor Searl has devoted his entire life to making the SEG available to transform humanity to become more sustainable on planet earth.

Visit Sir John Searl's Websites:

Inverse Gravity Vehicle

Searl Effect mirror site

A transcript of this interview is included in Carlita's book The Silent Ecocide


its funny, i was just talking bout this in another thread.

Most people think that this is a scam, and searle has never actually provided a live action demonstration of his generator.

Its kind of like craig wright being Satoshi Nakamoto... there's a lot of proof he could easily provide if he were for real that he just doesnt seem willing to provide.

Yes, he had a lab in California he invited me to but I didn't have time to go. He only has a lot of photos of different old SEG models that he made and I think there was a film, lately though he has withdrawn from the public eye over the last few years as he is quite old now according to our mutual friend Jason Verbelli he doesn't talk to anyone anymore, I will be interviewing Jason at some point soon. Others have built devices similar to Searl's SEG with good output results, now there are so many people making all kinds of devices with magnets anyway, and there was that boy of 13 who made a basic Free Energy device out of a tin can and some copper wire recently which surprisingly was on CNN news, as more are becoming aware of the aether, its just a matter of experimenting with your own different designs, (much more cost effective than the SEG).

For anyone interested in Aether science I recommend a great book called ''The Four Ethers'' by Ernst Marti, summarizing Steiner's work The Ether is the 5th element that was previously acknowledged by science and for political and economic purposes was later repressed, when you learn about the Ethers its like learning about the fabric of the universe that creates life, its quite something, Steiner was an Aether scholar too and so was Wilhelm Reich and ofcourse Tesla.

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