Cybernetics, Transhumanism and Hyper Game Theory

in #science7 years ago (edited)


Dr. Robert Duncan works for DARPA, he was invited to speak at The Bases Project last year. He is a Darper insider with a deeper knowledge about cybernetics, hive minds, nanotechnology used in patents for control of the human nervous system, in addition to using electromagnetic frequency pulses on the mind and body. Mind manipulation on a grand scale technology has existed for some time, including voice to skull technology he worked on, also called The Voice of God.

He shares some information that alluded to far deeper rabbit holes but confirmed the reasons behind why some people are heavily targeted as part of a global cyber gangstalking project which is also called Hyper Game Theory, originally connected to John Nash, the film ''A Beautiful Mind'', was based on.

Listen to what he says about hyper game theory, at 39.16, the constant prodding and testing where they are trying to find out the max probability in a targeted individual of what will drive them to death or commit suicide or harm someone through cyber gangstalking / hypergame theory, where their technique is constantly testing and prodding the TI, the data is collected for the human genome and global brain project.

Other related information

RAAND Report National Security Research

Dr Robert Duncan's Report

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Information on Mind Control Device Patents

Main illustration at the top of this article is by Robert Carter on Deviant Art for Creative Commons.



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