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RE: Tree of Life: Are you a Unikont or a Bikont?

in #science6 years ago

Great article. I've never heard of Apusozoa before, this is pretty interesting. I remember being told during my Bachelor's lectures that we are still not sure of how the separation of Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryota occured. Are we now sure that Eukaryota developed from Archaea ?


Well, there's two ideas that I know of that I don't yet want to go into, either eukaryota and archaea formed from a common ancestor, or that eukaryota arose from some archaea. Either way, it's clear we're not from bacteria, and we have a lot in common (from a certain perspective...) with archaea; the method of DNA replication, RNA transcription, and protein synthesis.

To whoever figured these things out... nice one

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