Mangrove forests and advantages to humans and living things In Indonesia

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Hello all steemian lover, now i want to share to you about mangrove forest. Lets we discuss together below.

Indonesia and Manggove

Indonesia is one of the largest archipelagic countries in the world, the State of Indonesia is also an area that has one of the countries with the largest mangrove forest in the world. Due to the area that many sea so also mangrove forest which many. Mangrove forests have a very important role for humans and very many benefits either directly or indirectly for the environment.

[Image credit :]

Aceh is part of the province of Indonesia is also very enthusiastic people in cultivating mangrove plants. The rapid growth of mangrove plantation in aceh can not be separated from after the devastating tsunami in 2014. Where almost all coastal areas destroyed the tsunami, homes, buildings and communities died of more than 200,000 people. Formerly before the tsunami there was never any government program for mangrove forest planting. But after the incident mangrove forest re-made priority program.

Many of the marine ecosystems that were on the beach died after the tsunami of Aceh. But after replanting mangroves on a massive scale the ecosystem back to normal is even better than 14 years ago.

What is Mangrove

A mangrove is a shrub or small tree that grows in coastal saline or brackish water. The term is also used for tropical coastal vegetation consisting of such species. Mangroves occur worldwide in the tropics and subtropics, mainly between latitudes 25° N and 25° S. Source

Mangrove forests are tree plants that live between the sea and the land that will always be affected by tidal water. Mangrove habitats are usually found in the meeting place between the edge of rivers and seawater that become the protector of land and the big ocean waves. River runs fresh water for mangrove and at high tide, mangrove trees are surrounded by brine or brackish water.

Spesific Habitat of Mangrove

What is Mangrove habitats ? and How does Mangrove grows ? Mangrove habitats are considered productive ecosystems that are beneficial to both marine and human lives. One of the most important roles that mangroves play environmentally is as a barrier between the mainland and the ocean. Given this unique location, these forests are often on the frontline of extreme ocean weather and storms. The dense root systems of mangrove habitats work to prevent erosion by slowing down incoming waves and by trapping sediment as it is carried off land and into the water. Not only does this help the land from disappearing, but it also prevents coral reefs from being covered in excess eroded material.

In general, mangrove forests can grow well in the following habitats: Types of muddy, sandy soil, with material formed from mud, sand or coral fragments, habitats inundated with periodic water, with frequent frequencies or only during high tide only. At the frequency of water puddles will determine the composition of mangrove forest vegetation receives sufficient fresh water supply, either from rivers, springs and groundwater that are useful to decrease salt content and increase the supply of nutrients and brine sludge to brine saline that can reach salinity.

Scientific classification of one type of mangrove

Kingdom : Plantae
(unranked) : Angiosperms
unranked) : Eudicots
(unranked) : Asterids
Order : Lamiales
Family : Acanthaceae
Genus : Avicennia
Species : Avicennia marina

The benefits of mangroves for living things

Keeping an ecosystem is a very important one. Mangrove is one of the ecosystems that have a very important role in human life. Mangrove ecosystem is very much to provide benefits either indirectly or directly to human life or other living things. Some of the benefits of mangrove forests include:

As a natural deterrent and filter

Mangrove forests are usually filled with mangrove trees and muddy roots. These roots can accelerate the decomposition of organic wastes carried over to the coastal areas. In addition to decomposing organic waste, mangrove forests can also accelerate the decomposition process of marine chemicals such as oil and detergent and natural barriers to taut sea angina in certain seasons.

Prevent the occurrence of Sea Water Intrusion

The intrusion of saltwater is the movement of saltwater into freshwater aquifers that can contaminate drinking water sources. The intrusion of saltwater can occur naturally to some degree in most coastal aquifers, due to a hydraulic connection between groundwater and seawater.

Prevent erosion and abrasion on the beach

In conclusion the differences in abrasion and erosion are areas that have been eroded and the causes eroded the area. While erosion occurs in rocks or soils (Solids) and erosion caused by water, wind, or ice. Abrasion occurs in coastal areas and erosion caused by sea water waves.

Role in the formation of the island and stabilize coastal areas

Mangrove forests are often said to be land-formers because the sediments and the land they hold harbor the development of shorelines over time. Mangrove growth extends coastal boundaries and provides opportunities for terrestrial plants to live and flourish in the land area. For example, a water-borne vivipar will settle in a shallow foundation, may develop and become a collection of mangroves in a new habitat. In a long period of time this new habitat can extend into its own island.


From all the above explanation we can conclude that mangrove forests are very important for human life and all living things, then all parties have a role to maintain the mangrove ecosystem in order to avoid natural damage and protected in order to preserve its sustainability. Mangrove forests are a lot of benefits, among others, can be a potential source of income from the economic field besides being useful as a conservation of the environment, because mangrove forest can attract both domestic and foreign tourists to know as much as possible of the mangrove forest. For that we all have a great responsibility and participate in environmental conservation through mangrove planting and protection of mangrove forests, so that mangrove remains a useful ecosystem for us and environment.

Sources :


what is a mangrove and how does it work


5 manfaat hutan mangrove untuk manusia

Pengertian dan fungsi hutan

Ciri-ciri habitat hutan mangrove


Hmm so much i never knew before, thank you so much.

You are welcome...

Great post. I live in Bali. There's a lot of talk here about Tolak Reclemasi. I know that mangroves are important-- your post has helped me understand with a little more confidence. Upvoted and Followed. Semangat! :-)

Thanks for your comment...thats right..

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