Cultivation of banana plants in Indonesia and its benefits for humans

in #science7 years ago

Banana Plant

The banana is an edible fruit botanically a berry produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa In some countries, bananas used for cooking may be called plantains, in contrast to dessert bananas. The fruit is variable in size, color and firmness, but is usually elongated and curved, with soft flesh rich in starch covered with a rind which may be green, yellow, red, purple, or brown when ripe. The fruits grow in clusters hanging from the top of the plant. Source

Musa paradisiaca is the accepted name for the hybrid between Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana. Most cultivated bananas and plantains are triploid cultivars either of this hybrid or of M. acuminata alone. Linnaeus originally used the name M. paradisiaca only for plantains or cooking bananas, but the modern usage includes hybrid cultivars used both for cooking and as dessert bananas. Linnaeus's name for dessert bananas, Musa sapientum, is thus a synonym of Musa paradisiaca.

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All peoples of course have ever consumed bananas, because almost every country in the world has a banana plant. In addition to the delicious taste, bananas actually also have a content in it that is needed by our bodies, among others, the type of content in bananas such as sugar, sucrose, fructose and glucose are balanced with a combination of fiber. The advantages of bananas can also be to make the faster energy to be used.

Banana is a type of fruit that is very easy to find from around the environment, in the market even now many bananas have been traded in a modern manner where bananas are wrapped in a neat and durable sold in supermarkets. Why do many people like to eat bananas ??? Of course, because these fruits have many benefits that are very good for health. Because of the very high nutrient content is also a lot of efficacy for our health. Even many products from health are essentially derived from bananas.

The relationship between Indonesia and cultivation banana plants

Indonesian society is one of the world's banana-producing countries. Perhaps because the majority of Indonesian farmers or geographical location of Indonesia is suitable to develop banana cultivation. This can be seen from almost all the provinces in Indonesia many of the farmers who develop banana cultivation. Because all provnisi in Indonesia have a suitable Indonesian climate for the growth of banana plants.

Another reason for the climatic factors is that there are other factors that are more important to the Indonesian community, namely the economic factors, the few employment opportunities that get the community take their own initiative in improving the economic level better, because the land is still available, farmers develop various types of crops for such needs as banana cultivation, seen from the prospect of banana prices are quite expensive also be a separate motivation for farmers to cultivate banana crops.

Perhaps not only Indonesian people who always consume bananas but also people in other countries. But the special society of Indonesia banana is the type of fruit most preferred by the people of Indonesia. This can be proved from many of the secondary food of Indonesian society whose basic ingredients are from bananas. Many foods are made for different types and models and of course different provinces in Indonesia also different ways of making these foods all depends on the tastes of the local community.

Type of banana in Indonesia

There are so many different types of banana plants in Indonesia and the number reaches hundreds of species, but in general they are grouped into three kinds namely, banana fiber (Moses textiles Noe.), Ornamental banana (Heliconia indica Lamk) and banana fruit (Moses paradisiaca Linn .). We know that these three types of bananas have a high commercial value. And more people cultivate the banana to increase the quality of economic value higher.

Apart from the type of banana in Indonesia is also a lot of other banana cultivation like banana king, banana ambon moss, lemon grass plantain, banana gold, banana kepok, banana king molo, banana jackfruit, banana horn, banana white ambon, banana yellow ambon, banana crew, banana lampung and banana cotton. And also a lot of types of bananas that exist in Indonesia.

Habitat of banana plants

For the habitat of banana plants in every place can easily be found banana plants. Wet tropical climate, humid and hot areas support the growth of bananas. This plant can grow in high plains and drought. In Indonesia in general, banana plants can grow in the lowlands to the mountains as high as 2,000 m above sea level. However, bananas can also grow in subtropics. In a waterless environment, bananas also continue to grow because water is supplied from aqueous stems but the resulting income will not be as good as expected.

There is also one we need to know that which inhibits the growth of bananas is a high-speed wind can damage the leaves and can affect the growth of plants. Rainfall variations must be balanced with groundwater levels so that the ground is not stagnant with water that can make the plant die.

Banana plants can grow well in soils that contain a lot of humus, and contain soil lime. This banana plant requires a lot of food for the purposes of growing and producing fruit so that bananas should be planted in yatrang soil suitable for the growth of bananas and with enough fertilization so that will produce maximum results.

Scientific classification of Banana

Kingdom : Plantae
(unranked) : Angiosperms
(unranked) : Monocots
(unranked) : Commelinids
Order : Zingiberales
Family : Musaceae
Genus : Musa
Species: M. paradisiaca

Benefits of bananas for humans

Bananas are one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world for the reason that they consume bananas because they contain very large nutrients. Many benefits for humans from bananas, among others for the health of eating bananas can reduce cancer risk, asthma, lower blood pressure and improve heart health. Apart from the above benefits of bananas also have excellent properties for human energy sources, help overcome depression, overcoming anemia, balancing high blood pressure, preventing constipation, controlling body temperature and many other benefits. And many other uses for the health of others.

In addition to health benefits, Indonesian people also use to make food that can be sold for the economic needs of the community. Here the types of foods made in Indonesia are many kinds, among others:

Pisang goreng

Pisang goreng is a snack food made of banana or plantain, covered in batter or not, being deep fried in hot cooking oil, mostly found throughout Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Brunei and the Philippines. Especially in indonesia the type of fried bananas are in cooking also many varieties depending on the mix used for the making process, some use banana with flour only, but there are also other types that add with other ingredients to add the taste of fried bananas such as cheese, milk , brown and others so that his name also changed.

Banana Chip

Banana chips are dried slices of bananas(fruits of herbaceous plants of the genusMusa of the soft, sweet "dessert banana" variety). They can be covered with sugar or honey and have a sweet taste, or they can be fried in oil and spices and have a salty or spicy taste. Banana chips are commonly found in India, Philippines and Indonesia (as kripik). Variants of banana chips may be covered with chocolate instead. Banana chips are similar to chifle, usually made from firmer, starchier fruit varieties of the genus Musacommercially called plantains or "cooking bananas".


Timphan or timpan is a steamed banana dumpling, a traditional kue specialty of Aceh, Indonesia. Ingredients to make timphan consists of glutinous rice flour, ground banana and coconut milk. All of this materials are then mixed and stirred until a thick as a dough. The banana-rice flour dough is spreaded lengthwise and then it filled with sweetened serikaya or grated coconut mixed with sugar. Then the dough is wrapped in banana leaves and steamed for an hour.

Banana for vegetables

Most Indonesian people also make bananas to make vegetables from bananas or there are also vegetables from banana stems. This depends on the characteristics of each region in terms of food taste.

Sale pisang

Sale pisang is processed food from banana fruit combed thin and then dried. The purpose of drying is to reduce the water content of bananas so that the banana sale is more durable. This banana sale can be directly eaten or fried with flour first. besides, now sale banana has various taste like flavor of cheese. Currently, the production of banana sale has penetrated the international market. Sale Pisang is a banana product made with drying and fumigation process. Sale is known to have a distinctive flavor and aroma.


Banana plants are plants whose fruits have high nutrients, is also a major source of vitamins, minerals and also carbohydrates. In addition to the benefits of bananas for the health of bananas are also used as secondary food by each region such as for the manufacture of cakes and also used for making banana flour. In addition to the fruit banana juda skin is used to make vinegar through the process of fermentation of alcohol and vinegar. Banana leaf is used as a wrapper for various Indonesian traditional foods. And many more uses of banana plants for the needs of the community.




Pisang Goreng








Image Sources : 1-2-3-4-5-6

Best Regard @cammelya


So much possibilities with bananas.

Yups sure...there are multi benefit for human...

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