Search for life in subsurface ocean of Europa

in #science8 years ago

It seems that the next NASA flagship mission to Jupiter satellite system - Europa Mission, can get companion. On February 8, preliminary report for additional Europa mission - Europa Lander has been delivered to NASA. Europa - satellite of Jupiter, in size slightly smaller than our Moon, harbors liquid water subsurface ocean, and is prime target for life search in the Solar System.

Image: JPL

Data, collected by previous NASA Galileo mission show, that ocean is approximately 100 km deep and covered with relatively thin - no more than 25 km ice shield. Moreover, Europa's ocean is probably in contact with a rocky, silicate seafloor, which may lead to an ocean rich in the elements and energy needed for the emergency of life. 

Image: JPL

Here is example of Earth ice habitats in the polar regions:

Image: JPL 

Ice surface of Europe exposed to high radiation levels from Jupiter's magnetic belts. According to Galileo findings, average radiation level on the surface is about 50 roentgens/hour. This means that human will get deadly dose in 10 hours. Continuous functioning of complex scientifical sensors in such environment while average temperature is 60 K - very difficult engineering task.

Mission launch defined by congressional directive no later than in 2022. It will be launched atop SLS launcher

Mission consists of two separate spacecraft: Lander and Carrier Relay Orbiter. Because of  high radiation, main mission on the surface will last no more than 20 - 40 days for both spacecrafts. Note that Europa Lander is absolutely independent from NASA Europa Mission which will perform multiple Euroba flybys during several years.

Here are main goals of Europa Lander with priorities:

L (life) - Highest priority. Search for present life and biosignatures.

H (Habitability) - Second priority, focuses on assessing the habitability  of Europa.

C (Context) - third priority: targets surface properties and dynamics for understanding the context for ruture robotic exploration


For scale: one side of main square chassis is 1 meter long. Mass of scientifical instruments - 42 kg.

This will be first life search mission, specially dedicated to life search for the last 40 years, since Mars Viking Program of 1976. 

This video is about flyby Europa Mission (not to confuse with Europa Lander), but it is a good eplanation of Jupiter's environment

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