Evidence of planetary mass object in Kuiper Belt

in #science7 years ago

In new research to be published in the Astronomical Journal, Kat Volk and Renu Malhotra of the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory present evidence of a "planetary mass" body in the Kuiper Belt, with mass between that of Earth and Mars. This body is totally different from the so-called Planet Nine, a much larger body whose existance yet awaits confirmation. 

Yet undiscovered planetary body has given away its presence only by changing the tilt of orbital planes of a population of space rocks known as Kuiper Belt objects, or KBO. 

Current theories state that KBOs—debris left over from the formation of the solar system—orbit the sun with orbital tilts (inclinations) that average out to what planetary scientists call the invariable plane of the solar system, the most distant of the Kuiper Belt's objects do not. Tre orbital plane of these objects is tilted from invariable plane by 8 degrees. This means that some unknown body is warping the average orbital plane of the outer solar system with its gravity.

Volk, a postdoctoral fellow at LPL and the lead author of the study says: 

The most likely explanation for our results is that there is some unseen mass. According to our calculations, something as massive as Mars would be needed to cause the warp that we measured

Image: Heather Roper/LPL

For the study, Volk and Malhotra analyzed the tilt angles of the orbital planes of more than 600 objects in the Kuiper Belt in order to determine the common direction about which these orbital planes all precess. Precession refers to the slow change or "wobble" in the orientation of a rotating object.

According to the theories of planetary disk formation, average orbital plane of objects in the Kuiper Belt should be flat past 50 a. u. distance  (1 a.u.=150 million kilometers). 

However, going further out from 50 to 80 AU, researchers found that the average plane actually warps away from the invariable plane. There is no more than 1 or 2 percent chance that this warp is merely a statistical fluke of the limited observational sample of KBOs. Authors show that an Mars-sized object orbiting at 60 a. u. on an orbit tilted by about 8 degrees to the ecliptic plane could with its gravity to warp the orbital plane of the smaller bodies within about 10 a. u. on both sides. 

Image: Heather Roper/LPL

The observed KBO at such distances confirm the hypothesis. 

Beside Mars-sized body researchers considered other possibilities. 

First, this cannot be influence of the hypothetical Planet Nine because its predicted mass is about 10 Earth masses and its orbit is too far away - at 500 to 700 a. u. 

Second, the data also do not rule out the possibility that the warp could result from more than one planetary mass object

Third, a star, passed through a Solar System. Seen as unlikely because the warp would be erased within 10 million years.

So, while the best telescopes are busy looking for Planet Nine, maybe soon they'll have to share its time to start looking for a new planet.





when i see planets and galaxy i always think of this guy...

This is not healthy. Beware!

Dang that's interesting, love everything that has to do with space. It's like endless opportunities over there!

Space Is a Freemason Illusion. Also there Is no secret space program that's just the next part of the plan.

Maybe some information is being kept from us and these 'anomalies' could be explained quite differently... Please read my article: https://steemit.com/space/@schlijk/a-case-for-nibiru-in-our-solar-system-right-now

Some Information being kept from us are you joking, all of It Is. Nibiru Is more disinformation.

Well personally I'm not trying to spread disinformation.. quite the opposite! I raise a glass to your capability of thinking independently. I truly hope the Earth turns out to be flat because it'd be a nice indication of how fucked up our world and our way of thinking is. Still, to me, something resembling a sphere makes a lot more sense... Please try to convince me I'd love to hear out your reasoning.

People are measuring for curvature and not finding any, there should be 8 Inches per mile squared, the horizon always rises to eye level no matter how high you go. Any curvature we do see Is always when viewed through a camera with a fish eyed lens. NASA has been caught time and again faking Images and video footage, most of their ISS Is filmed underwater In a tank, China have been caught out doing the same thing. All the country's Involved with NASA have a Rothschild central bank In their country.

I will be writing several articles going In depth on the whole Flat Earth model, my view of the world at the moment Is the map below. I'm not Invested In this I honestly are only Interested In the Truth and have gone from being a total globe outer space believer towards Flat Earth. This wasn't an easy transition because I spent my whole life believing the heliocentric Earth model, It Is not holding up though.


Very interresting

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