#WeirdScience | Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is Junk Science!

in #science6 years ago

As a former champion debater, let me offer a bit of advice to my fellow truth seekers: always look for the contradiction!

The mainstream science community love their math, so I say, let’s give it to ‘em!

In this blog post of #weirdscience, I’m going to show you why I think Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is just plain junk science.

Time Dilation

A core principle behind Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is the time dilation principle. In a nutshell, time dilation is a conundrum, which tells us that under two different frames of reference (say, an observer standing still on Earth, and a spaceship flying at some velocity), time is observed differently for the two frame references.

Time dilation is expressed mathematically as:

t=t_0/√(1-v^2/c^2 )

The observed time, t, is always larger than t-naught (known as the proper time), because no matter what, the denominator is always less than one. Note that in time dilation examples, velocity v is always less than the speed of light, c.

Otherwise, you’d have a denominator of zero, which would render the whole thought experiment invalid!

Dilation My Butt!

The time dilation theory states that if the spaceship used a lightbulb to flash a light up to a mirror positioned on the ceiling, then t-naught (proper time) is the time it takes for the flash of light to go up and back down.

However, an observer on Earth notices that it takes a tick longer for that same light flash to make the trip back and forth. That’s because the spaceship is traveling at velocity v, and therefore, the light has to travel horizontally as well as vertically, making the distance, and therefore, the time longer for the observer.

Uh, hello? Under Newtonian mechanics – ya know, the thing that supposedly explains the rotation and hurtling through space of Earth? – the light flash in the spaceship is already traveling at velocity v in the horizontal direction!

Therefore, the velocity of the spaceship can be discounted in the calculation for t-naught, since the spaceship is a closed system! Thus, proper time and observed time is always the same thing!

Yet the government teaches this junk to confuse kids, and people eat it up to this day!

Now that’s #weirdscience !

Newtonian mechanics can only be used to a certain degree, it is not good to the degree of precision that is currently known. According to the space-time that is proposed by the theory of relativity, as something speeds up, its mass is converted to energy. That is, as I'm moving closer to the speed of light, time slows down. If you'd like to see this in an effect of your daily life, just check your GPS...

Like I said, relativity is junk science...variance in time between a GPS satellite and a clock on Earth is caused by air density of the atmosphere, not gravity.

Unfortunately, you're very wrong and I'm sorry that you think you are right. There is no 'air' in space, and yet we have to account for the speed of the Voyager spacecraft as they are speeding past the extent of influence from our Sun. Please, go back and read some books. You can not speak from a position of authority and think that so many discoveries about our solar system, galaxy, and universe, would have ever been possible without a solid understanding and application of the theory of relativity. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you're wrong... very, very, wrong. I will not get into a Facebook style argument with you since it's of no use, but if you're interested in some books that will help you understand, I'm more than willing to suggest some!

Yes, you've proven my point even more so!

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