The Scientific Method Is Crap. It is a mental prison for scientists.

in #science7 years ago (edited)

The scientific method is crap!

We don't think that way. Humans cannot follow that pattern.

The scientific method is unscientific.

The scientific method relies on their being an external, knowable world out there. That a scientist can make observations of, independent of the observed. The double slit experiment has proven that the observer causes changes in the observed. So, the scientific method fails under actual science.

Materialism has been taught in schools as science. It is where we get the ideas that the universe is this giant machine. That everything is just atoms. That all you have to do is put them together the correct way and you will have a human (or whatever). That the universe is completely knowable, it just isn't known yet.

Animism is another school of thought. Where the universe is animated. That it responds to the beings in it. That things, like the earth (Gaia) are living beings and have a consciosness of sorts. That they are not just a pile of atoms, but are working together with humanity in a forever, co-creative journey.

Materialism is all but dead. It has been debunked so many times its not funny. However, EVERY science text book is still based on materialism. It is the only thing taught in colleges.

And there is some deep, juicy conspiracies following why that is so. Conspiracies that include Einstein and Hawking, but that is another story.

That materialism is false, and so there is no observations that are discreet and disconnected from the observer, makes the scientific method unattainable, but it is not the worst part about the principal.

The scientific method is unusable

The worst thing is that we humans do not think that way. We do not work from one side to the other, we work form both sides to the middle.

We do not, cannot, think of a theory, and then go out and prove it. Theories cannot be proven. Only disproven. So, the idea of making an observation, forming a hypothesis, and then going out and testing it is complete bunk. It leads to thinking of science as settled, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Also, when talking to leading scientific researchers, you find that they do not have an observation that they want to clarify, what they have is a dream, a goal. Such as to cure cancer. And they work backwards from that to possible paths to that future. While working forward from the present with available data. We work both ends towards the middle. So, the scientifc method isn't even half of what we do in real science.

Further, the scientific method is a linear thing, when real science is a circular thing. Where you go to find an answer, which brings up more questions, which leads to more answers, which leads to...

Temen Cooke has a much better view, called Cycle of Scientific Thinking.

It shows a cycle of what scientists really do. There are no ends, and you can begin anywhere on the circuit.

The Scientific Method Is About To Meet Its Worst Nightmare

ESP. There is lots of evidence showing that things like telepathy and remote viewing work with proven results. But science does its best to deny this growing pile of data. Further, ESP is notoriously hard to study in a laboratory. Its like a laboratory is a special box where ESP is not allowed. So, its all over the place outside, but if science tries to confine it, then poof.

However, if ESP is real, then what does that do to double-blind experiments? The entire process of "proof" that we use under the scientific method is called into question. It creates such a problem in the field of (materialistic) science, that "scientists" have actually gotten ill just discussing the possibility. Suddenly, all your control measures go out the window, and all of the previous data needs to be seen in a new light.

The scientific method, the mental prison

The scientific method, from my perspective, was designed to sound good to intellectual minds; to be a cage to imprison all future scientists. Since the thinking people (people most likely found in STEM fields) try to be rational and logical, the scientific method seems like a good idea. And, if one was never challenged with other, and opposing methods, they would never realize they had been led down the garden path.

It is not hard to find a trail of people manipulating science towards materialism and using the scientific method. But, when you are raised inside this paradigm, it is almost impossible to see what is closed off from you. Everything seems so orderly and logical.

The scientific method will be thrown out, as the junk it is. I hope it is sooner rather than later.

image source

Temen Cooke's TEDx presentation

![The Scientific Method Sucks]"



The scientific method is the best thing we've got. You have to have standards of evidence.

It is the best thing we've got... only in the old paradigm.
There are many, better alternatives. Temen Cooke has one. I linked because he has a good presentation.

A fascinating, very thought-provoking post.

I've always been a big fan of successive approximation... That is how I solve most problems myself.



Successive approximation works. And if it doesn't, you get closer to your target.
It also applies to just about everything in life, like starting your own business. Thanks.

That's pretty much my "take" on the "Cycle of Scientific Thinking," it's essentially successive approximation... :D

It's a great method. Keep in mind that the scientific method is cyclical. If your observations don't match your hypothesis, you go back to the drawing board and refine your hypothesis or come up with a new one.

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