The Rules of Science State "No Free Energy". Where's Our Free Energy?

in #science7 years ago

Talk about a perpetual motion machine and most scientists and engineers will say its impossible, and then go on to explain why...

And if "modern science" was correct, they would be correct. However what we pass off today as "our great scientific knowledge" is complete bunk. Within two generations, our current science books will be thrown out. There won't be any reason to keep them. It won't even be good joke material... because the reality will just be sad.

Lets talk about two areas of science that are wrong. And they are completely wrong, and the proof is irrefutable, as it is just a statement of fact. Both are deceptions placed into the minds of the entirety of science students everywhere, keeping them from even searching for the truth.

Maxwell's Equations

But, Maxwell's equations aren't wrong, they have been proven time and time again... except for those times when you have an electron cascade, or high energy experiments, or...

Even worse, Maxwell's equations are wrong because they are not Maxwell's equations.

They are Heavyside's equations. Heavyside was the person who took Tesla's alternating current and worked out how to send it across the country. (attenuation and reflection problems) He was a very practical man. More of what we would call an engineer today, then a scientist. And he took Maxwell's equations and simplified them for "real world" application.

Maxwell's equations had two sets of imaginary numbers where energy entered from higher dimensions. Heavyside got rid of those variables. And the world changed Maxwell's equation's to Heavyside's equations. Even in his own book! You have to get one of the first four printings to get Maxwell's equation.

So, what is taught in every college is missing an essential element.

The Laws of Thermodynamics

The laws of thermodyanamics are one of those pieces that are pounded into students heads. Like as if science has an aversion to free energy and has to radically stamp it out.

What they do NOT teach about the laws of thermodynamics is that it only applies in an enclosed environment. (Like in a science lab.)

However, the universe is open, not closed. And thus there is an abundance of energy waiting to be tapped into. But, if you never know about the assumption that comes with this law, then you would never think about questioning it.

Several people have made free energy devices. And they have been put through enough trials to know they work. But no one has explained them using Maxwell's Heavyside's equations or how they could possibly work give the Laws of thermodynamics. So, even with lots of data showing that these things worked, science, and humanity just write them off as things by some crackpot scientist and it was all a trick.

All images in this post are my own original creations.
except I traced someone else's earth. (who's I do not know)

why not link some of the perpetual motion device videos or something

There aren't any videos.
And to link them only ends up with people saying the same old, tired lines about this or that.
Or if they worked, way back then, then why hasn't anyone else figured it out.

And almost everything that is in a video is a sham. (there may be one that I don't know of that is of a real free-energy device) ThouTube doesn't take kindly to any real news being reported.

I think there could be someone that you could prove no wires were connected or no batteries (possibly via runtime over long stream

Sorry, I am no longer that naive. Sorry, because it was pounded into me...

break your heart sad tales.

You can read my previous article on why free energy doesn't exist right now.

Saltwater batteries
We have plenty of seas
Not exactly a perpetum mobile but...

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