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RE: The Weird Energy Beam That Defies The Speed Of Light To Travel Five Times Faster.

in #science7 years ago

The speed of light, law of gravity, black holes, and the big boom are all bunk.
My current theory is that they are specifically taught so that future scientists will continue down a path that is wrong.

Such as, instead of continuing to measure the speed of light, and noticing its change over time, we decide that the speed of light is fixed... and so we fixed it.

  • Speed of light is set to a certain number of meters
  • Meters is set to a distance light travels.

That any scientist would accept such circular reasoning is beyond me.


There will be something beyond tachyons believe me!!

Well, its definitely not going to the 1995 Geo Metron, thats for sure. :-p

But, I am looking forward to science completely redefining itself over the next two generations.

The 1995 Geo Metron! LOL! Me too! Bring it on!

Science will not change, there are going to be new theories that can explain better our universe... It doesn't mean actual theories are wrong, just that actual theories are unable no explain everything because they are "incomplete"... Also there is always going to be things that can not be explained with certain theories...

Read some of my posts.
Science will change drastically.
And I mean, some of our theories are wrong. Not only wrong, but wrong in such a way as it will prevent future scientists from finding out what is correct.

Your statement of "incomplete" is exactly what I am arguing against.

Tesla said the speed of gravity. Einstein said it was the speed of light.
Every scientist accepts the speed of light as a constant, so they have stopped checking it. They have stopped measuring it. And some of the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW are not being recorded... because they are "unimportant".

If Tesla was correct, that completely changes E=mc2

But, even more, "science" comes from the world to cut apart. Same root as scythe.
And science in the future will have to rework things to "put together"

Everything in our current science books will be thrown out in two generations.

You simply cannot thrown away science, because its useful and it works... Its like saying we should thrown away Newtons theories because they couldn't explain the orbit of all planets... Even if newtons theories was incomplete, it doesn't mean he was wrong (we still use newton theories for a big lot of useful things), he just didn't have the means to evaluate all the evidence... And that is what (i think) its happening now, we cannot evaluate more evidence... New theories will arrive when new evidence is shown...

How long do you wait to throw out everything that is wrong?

Do you keep holding onto false beliefs for centuries?
Pretty much everything you think is right about science is actual engineering.

Newtons ideas of gravity... the break down so very easy when applied.
And so, everyone thinks that Einstein came and tweaked the theory a little bit... but they break down so very easy when applied.
There is a lady who worked on the orbit of Mercury. And she used theories that date back to before Newton. And her work is 99.999% accurate in predicting the motion of Mercury. Einstein was only about 99%.

How long will you hold onto false assumptions?
(a person who studied this said that you basically have to wait for all the old scientists to die.)

I don't care about believes, actually science don't care about that... All i care is that science works and it is useful, if its "wrong" or not, it's really irrelevant... Our theories have suited us for many thinks, technology, medicine, art, entertainment, etc... As long as we don't have new means to observe new evidence, we cannot really make new theories to thrown away old ones... Yes it could happen in the future, but we need new evidence to do that... Remember that theories are just "models" of nature, its not about "absolute true", it will never be...

Lets ask a simple questions.

Would you like free energy?

If yes, then you need to follow my path.
If no, then we can follow your thoughts about "science".

Maxwell's equations have two pairs of imaginary numbers where energy can enter from higher dimensions. However, almost no modern electrical engineer or scientist knows this. That is because Maxwell's equations have been replaced with Heavyside's simplified equations. They do not have the pair of imaginary numbers, so you can't even talk about free energy. And not 1 in a 1000 professors even knows there was a change.

You have to go back to one of the first four printings of Maxwells book to get the original formula.

Another example. The laws of thermodynamics.
They are held up as why a perpetual motion machine can't exist. However, what almost no one knows, is that they only apply to enclosed environments. And since our universe isn't closed then there is abundance of energy, right there to be tapped into. But none will ever find it, let alone even look for it, because they are taught its not there.

you keep thinking that I am talking about "absolute true", I am not. I am talking about absolutely wrong, and there are many people who know it. Today's science text books will be thrown out because they are completely wrong and useless. You can't get to the north by going south.

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