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RE: Are humans still evolving? Yes we are!

in #science6 years ago

That is a really interesting concept - I do agree with the thought that we are not evolving any more, in a biological sense. I think that stopped once we found the prevention to most of the common deadly illnesses. There was nothing to really naturally select against anymore. I think there is more technological natural selection taking place now - those who can understand and adapt to technology, and those who cannot. In the long run, it may look much like you describe. (A good sci-fi based on that is the Hyperion series, if you are interested in that sort of thing)


Hyperion serios? I haven’t check into those! But will surely do so. Thanks!

Have you watch some of black mirror episodes?

Yes - maybe three? I often find that real life presents enough of those types of situations so I don't need a show highlighting them - but I think I just had a very strong reaction to the first episode. I prefer to get my distopian/scifi through literature where I can emotionally brace myself a bit first. hahah Do you like them?

Yep I enjoy them very much. My favorite is San junipero. Excellent concept and the technology presented there is hopeful. Nice story too.

I'll be sure to check that one out then! Thanks for the recomendation

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