Scientists Amazing Discover : Knowledge could be uploaded your Brain (real news) - 2017 science -

in #science7 years ago (edited)


The researchers tracked and studied electric signals of a trained pilot's brain, which was then fed into various other less trained pilots, that learned how to pilot an airplane. This study revealed that subjects who were fed this data via an electrode head cap showed results that showed they had improved piloting skills and also learned it faster, than a placebo group.

Here's a short video:

  • “Our system is one of the first of its kind. It's a brain stimulation system,” - says Dr Matthew Phillips.

"It sounds kind of sci-fi, but there's large scientific basis for the development of our system.

"The specific task we were looking at was piloting an aircraft which requires a synergy of both cognitive and motor performance.

"When you learn something your brain physically changes. Connections are made and strengthened in a process called neuroplasticity.

“It turns out that certain functions of the brain like speech and memory are located in very specific regions of the brain about the size of your pinky.”

He further added “We were able to take a group of individuals and train them to a similar level.”

“The method relies on physical contact with the scalp – a head-cap through the conductive gel to apply current to the skin.

“The effects can persist for hours. The effects take days or weeks of practice to consolidate. It's the same learning mechanism; we're just amplifying or boosting it.

“As we discover more about optimizing personalizing and adapting brain stimulation protocols we'll likely see these technologies become routine in training and classroom environments.

“It's possible that brain stimulation could be implemented for classes like drivers' training SAT prep and language learning.”

What i wan't to conclude is that this is crazy, where the technology has gone, but when we look it on the other side, people can use it for evil purposes, they can make killer agents like "Agent 007" on the movie, its not just SCI-FI anymore its something more.

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I know i should have waited 100 years before being born!

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