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RE: That's not Science, that's Religion

in #science7 years ago

If more than a handful? You haven't looked at the evidence for vaccines being dangerous, not just bad, so you don't have any ground to stand on when you make such statements, its not a handful, its thousands of scientists doctors, all kinds of professionals, people that worked to develop vaccines themselves. Why are you asking me what is their purpose if they don't work, you can come to your own conclusions but what evidence do you want me to bring for "what is their purpose if they don't work like intended?" Same for why do they make them? Any number of reasons.
I provided evidence that none of those diseases were eliminated, polio was reclassified, people still suffer from all these diseases, the evidence is there but you would rather dismiss it again and again instead of looking at it because it conflicts with your beliefs, a hypocrite if I ever saw one.

In your own "proof" for vaccines working there is the first source which that mom used to prove that measles was eradicated because of vaccine. In that source the very first citation is from a study which shows in it's very first diagram the massive decline of measles for 50 years before the vaccine. Did you understand that, or are you simply attempting to troll again? Did you not read that? Did you not form your own conclusion from that evidence? Did you even bother to read through the article you posted and verify the material you posted? You posted the evidence that vaccines don't work and you don't even know it.

I provided a pertinent study that says that antibodies don't work anything like it was theorized, meaning that vaccines don't have any mechanism to induce immunity if the antibodies that should be produced because of the viral material don't get produced or can stop the virus.

This means that, predicting an antibody has high affinity for the immunizing antigen is extremely difficult if not impossible

i want these answers in your words pref. i don't have time to go through 1000 diff web sites

Sure you do, you want me to spoon feed you the information in my own words because you don't have the time to do it yourself, you promised you would read but it turned out that you're a liar and a fake because you put down your convictions and said "you win", you ceded your position when pressure was put on your flimsy pillars of sand, you admitted to being a troll and you would rather laugh at some confused flat earth theorist instead of challenging them to explain things like lunar eclipse or any other number of inconsistencies probably because like you said in your very first remarks repeatedly, you don't care, but you want me to care, you want me to answer your questions after you disrespected me, patronized me, and refused to answer for the numerous fallacies that you formed. After all that you want to argue that vaccines aren't "perfect" because you still cling onto your beliefs that "the good far out weighs the bad", no off the cuff sorry will do, that was a pathetic general sorry and you hope it will gain my respect? you have made your choices and have only yourself to answer to, I don't want your answers to anything, all my questions are hypothetical and they will remain as such.

You are hypocrite who says there is evidence of vaccines being safe but won't look at the evidence of them being completely dangerous, without any redeeming value at all might I add, but will argue that the evidence is out there for their safety, you just won't provide evidence, especially evidence that can stand up to even cursory scrutiny! You didn't even bother to read the sources that your double standard red flag proof from a blog cites or the citations of those sources! You have pigeonholed me, patronized me, admitted to being a troll! To pile on to the cacophony that this has turned out to be you won't even bother to consider/read/understand that the basic mechanism by which vaccines theoretically work, or antibodies, is completely and utterly flawed and unreliable, impossible to predict any kind of immunity with! You then seek still to argue that vaccines are safe while relying heavily on the numerous fallacies that I have pointed out, the number one being the argument from silence, which now looks just a tiny little less fallacious as you're willing to consider a handful of scientists/doctors/professionals might have evidence of their danger, but that would be some kind of fallacy that doesn't exist: a fallacy is not a degree of false, it's either true or false, so it's a huge leap of logic to even extend that to your argument that why aren't there more people, because a handful is not enough, even though it's clearly fallacious to say that even, lets beg the question "why didn't you hear about this from the mass media and science community at large?" which remains a moot point as numerous theories have been taken as fact and just like the theory for antibodies and antigens working has been proven false, it still doesn't stop vaccines from being pushed as safe by hypocrites that won't bother to look at the evidence or even read ONE study ,but instead are happy to apply their double standard on the credibility of sources to flee from the overwhelming evidence of the dangers vaccines. O I could go on but you don't have the time.

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