in #science5 years ago (edited)

Star Clusters - shhh, they are swooning over Valentino

I am no scientist, not even a Science Fiction author; I tend to love Fantasy, with a gentle smattering of Science Fiction so as to maintain a degree of real-life reality to my stories.

However, I have seen so many warnings about how dangerous it is for Mankind, for we are polluting the Universe with our electronic noise, from our television stations, radio – and who knows in how many other ways.

I must be oblivious to certain scientific facts, maybe some that even schoolchildren know, but, this is what commonsense tells me:

If the signals are spreading out from Earth, each station being at a fixed longitude and latitude, surely it means that as the Earth spins around itself, the signals are not being aimed in any particular direction for long periods. Add to those facts, that the Earth is spinning around our sun and the periods any signal can be traced or captured must be further reduced.

Ah, but we are not finished with the spin factors. Add to the above the fact that our solar system is revolving around itself, with further spins such as the spinning of our Galaxy…plus the spins of other solar systems and Galaxies.

Of course the Universe is a dead quiet place, which makes our signals stand out, even though they are so weak in stellar terms.

Just our Milky Way!

  • Oh, sorry, but as we all know, the Universe is guilty of a never-ceasing cacophony of signals of all kinds, perhaps even some that we do not know of at this time. But then, we are led to the question, ‘does one kind of energy affect others’, tearing or shredding them if the signal is strong enough? Let us examine a few obvious examples:

Would a pulsar be strong enough – after all, if they are close enough, they are even more deadly than our G5 towers .

Would each and every sun (star) also disturb the ether?

Would Black Holes shoot holes into other signals by blasts of radiation, X-Rays (and maybe other kinds of rays and waves), leaking out from their event horizons?

Would suns being created and others going through Nova death explosive convulsions also cause serious disturbances and distortions of our signals?

 I seem to recall reading somewhere that astronomers have managed to ‘hear’ the echoes of the Big Bang. Can you imagine how that would affect the tranquillity of space?

Just a little Boom - sorry

The other side of the coin is, if the moon (as an example) can block signals, what about the Oort Cloud and the asteroid belt? Are they likely to nip and pinch our signals here and there?

What about other factors which might stand on more shaky ground? Such as: Dark Energy; Dark Matter, Don’t forget to add to the equation, Dust and Gas Clouds and Solar Wind. You do not need to calculate the cow farting problem of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, as those only affect the slow mental signals of her mind.

To me, it makes sense to theorise that our signals cannot maintain any sort of technologically generated identity, being raped, torn and scattered every instant in thousands of ways, so that all that remains is an infinitesimal increase of the general cacophony.

As for the sensitive ears and sophisticated technologies out there, waiting to find where they must next pounce, kill and take over the destroyed planets – I’d love to ask them, do they have such an exorbitant excess of energy (energy being the likely coin of all sophisticated space-faring species) to waste on finding and attacking us?

My last question – if they have highly advanced technology, surely they are polluting their surroundings to the point where any remains of our waves of data, our ghostly whispers are further bastardised and buried within their own ‘unwise’ cry to the uncaring Universe, “Here we are – come eat us!”

Even should we try hard, it is unlikely we'll be heard - at least for thousands of years

I hope you enjoyed reading this pseudo-scientific ‘Samantha’ style article.
If you did, please upvote yourself as a reward for having such a fine mind.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

23rd March, 2019

  • posted on Steemit: 23rd March, 2019

Source of all images: Pixabay


Dear @arthur.grafo

If we (regular joes) could have any impact at all on those things. But reality is that we can hardly change anything. The only way of helping our planet is by building awareness. And your post does it very well.

But when I think about this particular issue - I dont think even our awareness can help.

At the same time: does it even really matter that we're polluting universe with our electronic noise? I strongly believe that sooner or later human race will die. And we may have another millions of years of silence.

Also what is the chance that there would be few different civilizations emerging around the same time? It's very unlikely.

ps. is that you on that picture? :)


The one with the big teeth - no, that is an image of how my soul will look as it goes after the souls of all the globalists responsible for the suffering and deaths of children.

My article is meant to be partly humorous, but also an angry rejection of nonsense "scientists" who speak ominously of dangers facing us, without any facts to back them up. I was only able to make it more obvious using this subject, than I could if I write about their threats of global warming - btw, notice how all of them give us x years, which turn out to be duds, yet they do not speak of the dangers from Chemtrails, which poison air, water and earth - in other words, poison them also! What sick twisted minds and souls they must have.

Indeed. Sick and twisted minds are all around us @arthur.grafo

Such a world we're living in.

I came back, for I found myself thinking about your commenta about us 'regular joes'.

Ask yourself, the numbers of those who are against the EU are growing very fast.

Why is is when we have protest marches, we struggle to appear in great numbers?

50,000 is a success?

Yet, when the anti BREXIT supporters march (remember, they are the minority) they turn up with a crowd of over a million.

Doesn't it say something about us needs to be brought back to life?

Appreciate your comment @arthur.grafo

Ask yourself, the numbers of those who are against the EU are growing very fast.

Indeed. But people have no real power. We only are beeing feed with illusion that we do have power to choose our rulers.

I think Venezuela proved that even if goverment will lose entire support of it's population then it doesnt mean yet much. Many other countries proved that too.

It only means that used governing tools are going to be different. More agressive, perhaps involving military and many different crackdowns.

when the anti BREXIT supporters march (remember, they are the minority) they turn up with a crowd of over a million.
Doesn't it say something about us needs to be brought back to life?

I'm not sure if I understand what you're saying. From my impression majority of people are not supporting BREXIT. But who (OUTSIDE UK) really cares? This is question people need to ask themselfs.

EU doesn't want UK any more. It's very clear that UK is going to be easily bullied around. And British people will to stay or to leave EU cannot change anything. Because EU would not even give UK chance to change it's mind. That's very obvious.

Wouldn't you agree?

Yours, Piotr

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