A high school student earned$ 250,000 with an incredible explanation for the relativity theory

in #science6 years ago



The German physicist Albert Einstein needed complex equations to describe relativity. Hillary Diane Andales, 18, from the Philippines, however, explained the theory of relativity with only a car, a few mobile phones and Usain Bolt.

Andales was the winner of the annual 2017 Innovative Youth competition, which calls for young people around the world to send videos that are no longer than three minutes long, simplifying big ideas in science or mathematics.

Andales' winning video was titled "Equivalence of Relativity and Reference Frames." Andales began by displaying a number on his side, which you can interpret as "6" or "9" depending on which way you turn your head to work. Andales: "Glance out the reference frame. Reference frames are the cornerstone of relativity because observers perceive objects differently when they are in different positions, "he explained.



Andales showed this by recording the voice of a friend when a third passenger stepped on the horn while on the street. Each one stood at a different point - one in front of the car, one behind the car, the other in the car. A different sound was output on each reference frame because the sound waves from the horn were either stacked (higher range) or spread (lower range), depending on where they were recorded.

Andales said the same test could be done at speed and time, and if the Usain Bolt ran at a speed of 98% of 100 meters of light speed, the jury would read for 40 seconds a stationary stationary 10 seconds from its perspective. The reason for this is that faster clocks move more slowly than stationary observers. This is the same principle that explains that the clocks at the International Space Station, which revolves around the Earth at 27.358 km / h, fall behind the terrestrial clocks by 0.007 seconds every six months. From this point of view, as Andales noted, Bolt is the best time-traveler of the Olympics!

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