Know your Best Contraceptive Method, Part II.

in #science7 years ago (edited)
Good evening, Steemit, today I want to continue talking about contraceptive methods, it is a very important issue, because there is no one that can fully meet the needs of the population; I can mention or remember that some methods cover, against sexually transmitted diseases (AIDS, HPV among others), others protect better against pregnancy, but all these methods offer advantages, side effects, which vary from patient to patient, is for that reason we heard comments: that if the pills make me fat, that some of them cause nausea, of men we listen, complaints towards the methods and barrier (condom) "It is not the same sensation", that is why I make this post, with the purpose of which they can choose better their contraceptive method, based on their needs, understanding a little the use, their function, in one of my previous publications, talk about natural methods.

Let's start talking about hormonal contraceptive methods, among those who must know are the oral, injectable and implants, it is important to ensure that the patient is not pregnant, since use can start on any day of the calendar.

Pills (Oral contraceptive method)

There are two types, according to their hormonal component, are those that are only composed of a hormone (progestin), and the combined, between its components are two hormones (progestin and estrogen), in this presentation, is the best known, being the most used, among these two presentations are known, those of 21 pills, with 7 days off, and the one that is continuous without rest, like the 7 days, are pills that do not contain hormone (placebo), but it prevents the patient exceeds the days of rest, and be more continuous in the use of the pills.

21 day presentation

28 day presentation

As every medicine has its advantages, I think the most outstanding is its effectiveness, which is 99% (while it is used correctly), it can be left at any time (after the box is finished), the fertility (you can get pregnant when you want), has been linked to the decreased risk of endometrial or ovarian cancer, the cycles of the patient become totally regular, with a decrease in the volume of bleeding and absence of pain, the bad part of the story, its disadvantages, among this, its side effects (circulation, anxiety, fluid retention), it is worth mentioning that despite the fact that in its first generation of oral contraceptives this effect was seen, with the improvement, has diminished the same, being almost eliminated in its 3rd generation.

Injectable Contraceptive Method

Of this type, like the oral ones, there are two types, in the same way their difference lies in the hormone that is used, those formed of a single hormone (synthetic forms of progesterone), among these are the Depo provera (name commercial), which is composed of Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 150 mg, its use, as I mentioned is injected, with an interval of 3 months, and Noristerat (trade name), its component is the Norethisterone Enanthate 200 mg , and it is used every 2 months; while the combined ones (Estrogen and Progesterone) is the Mesigyna, the Cyclofem (commercial name), which are used on a monthly basis.


Form of placement

One of its great advantages is that they are effective, there is no risk of forgetting, it has also been related to the prevention of cancer of endometrium, ovary, and breast, improves menstrual cycles, patients become eumenorrheic (without pain during menstruation), among its great disadvantage, is that fertility does not recover immediately, to stop its use, studies mentioned a period of 3 months to be able to get pregnant, this can be extended up to 1 year.

Method Contraceptives Implanon (Subdermal Implants)

It is placed under the skin, specifically in the inner part of the woman's arm, whose function is to release a hormone (progestin) into the bloodstream, commercially there are three Norplant (brand name) that contains 6 capsules and lasts 5 years, the Jadelle (commercial name) consisting only of 2 bars, with a durability of 5 years, and the implanon that a single bar of continuous release, with a protection, for approximately 3 years.

Form of placement

Among its advantages, is that it does not produce any discomfort, fertility is recovered at the time the patient wishes, as it does not contain estrogens, any patient can use them, even those who are breastfeeding, the absence of menstruation is expected during use or small spotting, during the menstruation date, among its disadvantages, is, the irregularity of the cycle that occurs in some users, this is observed more often the first months, it is said that its effectiveness is reduced in patients who weigh more of 70 kilograms, protection is required.

Emergency Contraceptive

This method can be used at any time, no matter the day of the cycle, it must be taken within 72 hours after intercourse (sexual relationship), this is considered more effective, if consumed within the first 24 hours, it is a myth that should be used two per year, there may be side effects, such as vomiting and nausea after use, you can see an advance in menstruation during this cycle.

Referential images, taken from google, I hope you like it, and leave your opinion.

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