Why should an anarchist fund NASA?

in #science8 years ago

I am an anarchist but I still would fund NASA over spaceX. For a few important reasons.

NASA is not forced to make a profit.

speaking directly to "anarchist" capitalists here. NASA is only here to explore space and get us off this planet. It does not need to make a profit to do this. SpaceX is forced to launch satellites with every rocket they test. Once they start trying to get to mars how would they make a profit off that? They can send nothing back and the people would be there for life (most likely).

Forcing one of the few defenses we have from space to work only on a profit is extremely dangerous.

What if an asteroid (that nobody would pay to get monitored and expect a profit back) came in the direction of earth? We would need a functioning defense for it, which if we had little time to prepare may have to have been pre-built. Which nobody would spend hundreds of millions to billions for a 1% to even try to make a profit.

NASA only gets 17 Billion a year right now but look what it does.

NASA also supplies half of the funding for SpaceX which means that without a non-profit helping out it would not be able to do anything. NASA does not help only with space travel but with many other scientific advancements as well.

SpaceX would not be able to run without NASA's help but NASA would be able to run (just as well if not better with the funding) without SpaceX.

I know that taxes "are violently forced" from you but not all of them go to war and death, some go to actually trying to save humanity.

Taxes are being taken from me, I might as well make sure they go to the places I want. I am not a capitalist and do not support a free market deciding the fate of humanity, we must work together in order to survive.

NASA just doesn't help us with space.

NASA monitors the entire earth and collects data. Without NASA we would know very little about how far climate change has come wind currents etc. We really need this information and no other places can offer this, with NASA's funding always dropping lower this is in danger of stopping.

Image source: www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/images/nasaLogo-570x450.png


You appear to view the requirement to operate at a profit as a negative. It's not. It's what keeps organizations from wasting resources on things like excess bureaucracy, overpaying contractors, and projects whose benefits do not exceed the costs.

lol you fund NASA because you don't have the choice, since it comes from your taxes... and if you don't pay your tax you'll end up in prison...

m8 did you just disregard everything I just said

As an Anarchist if we were an anarchistic society anyone could fund any project they supported including NASA. Yet those that do not wish to fund it would not have to. Basically it becomes a crowd sourcing movement. It may not be NASA that I fund as there could be legitimate competition at that point. I would offer some funding from my own funds to whomever I felt was doing the most efficient and focused job of getting us into space. So I would fund space exploration with my meager funds. This could be NASA or it might be someone else. Competition is key.

You have your facts wrong unfortunately. NASA doesn't "fund" SpaceX, SpaceX won a contract with them because they launch rockets at a fraction of the price. NASA actually pays Boeing up to $300million per rocket launch. Also, SpaceX and Elon Musk has done more for space travel and research than any other space agency ever. You should check out Wait But Why's articles on Elon Musk. SpaceX is for profit, but isn't costing tax payers billions of dollars. SpaceX is launching rockets for $8million vs $300million.

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