Brain Hacking : Patents on the manipulation of the nervous system

in #science7 years ago

#OpChangeTheWorld2 🌎 Manipulation of the Nervous System

Always interesting to know that there are patents filed on Manipulation of the nervous system for 50 years and the last of 2003 using our screens of everyday life (TV, computer, tablets). Basically, the human nervous system controls everything from breathing and producing digestive enzymes, memory and intelligence.

From wiki:

At the most basic level, the function of the nervous system is to send signals from one cell to others, or from one part of the body to others. At a more integrative level, the primary function of the nervous system is to control the body. It does this by extracting information from the environment using sensory receptors, sending signals that encode this information into the central nervous system, processing the information to determine an appropriate response, and sending output signals to muscles or glands to activate the response.

Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields which are pulsed with certain frequencies close to 1/2 Hz or 2.4 Hz so as to excite sensory resonance. Possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsed images displayed on a computer monitor or a nearby television. For the latter, the pulsation of the image can be imbricated in the material of the program, or it can be superimposed by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal.

The description


The invention relates to the stimulation of the human nervous system by an electromagnetic field applied externally to the body. A neurological effect of external electric fields was mentioned by Wiener (1958), in a discussion on the grouping of cerebral waves by nonlinear interactions. The electric field has been designed to provide "direct electrical conduit to the brain". Wiener describes the field as configured by a 10 Hz 400 V AC voltage applied in a room between the ceiling and the ground. Brennan (1992) disclosed in US Pat. No. 5,169,380, an apparatus for attenuating perturbations in the circadian rhythms of a mammal wherein an alternating electric field is applied through the head of the subject by two electrodes placed a short distance from the skin.

A device involving a field electrode as well as a contact electrode is the "Graham Potentializer" mentioned by Hutchison (1991). This relaxation device uses motion, light and sound, as well as an alternating electric field applied mainly to the head. The contact electrode is a metal bar in ohmic contact with the subject's bare feet and the field electrode is a hemispherical metal head placed several centimeters from the subject's head.

In these three methods of electrical stimulation, the external electric field is applied mainly to the head, so that the electric currents are induced in the brain in a physical way governed by electrodynamics. Such currents can be largely avoided by applying the non-head field, but rather in the skin areas away from the head. Some skin receptors can then be stimulated and provide a signal entering the brain along the natural pathways of the afferent nerves. It has been found that physiological effects can be induced in this way by very weak electric fields if they are pulsed with a frequency close to 1/2 Hz. The effects observed include ptosis of the eyelids, relaxation , Pain, pressure feeling at a point centered on the lower edge of the forehead, seeing moving motives of dark violet and greenish green with eyes closed, a toned smile, a tense feeling In the stomach, sudden stools And loose and sexual arousal, depending on the precise frequency used, and the area of skin on which the field is applied. The strong dependence on frequency suggests the implication of a resonance mechanism.

It has been found that resonance can be excited not only by externally applied pulse electric fields, as seen in the United States patent. Nos. 5,782,874, 5,899,922, 6,081,744 and 6,167,304, but also by pulsed magnetic fields, as described in US Patent Nos. 5,935,054 and 6,238,333, by Low heat pulses applied to the skin, as described in US Pat. Nos. 5,800,481 and 6,091,994, and by subliminal acoustic pulses, as described in US Pat. No. 6,017,302. Since the resonance is excited by the sensory pathways, it is called a sensory resonance. In addition to resonance near 1/2 Hz, sensory resonance was found near 2.4 Hz. The latter is characterized by the slowing down of certain cortical processes, as described in patents 481, 922, 302, 744, 944 and 304.

The excitation of sensory resonances by weak thermal impulses applied to the skin gives an idea of what is happening neurologically. Skin temperature sensing receptors are known to shoot spontaneously. These nerves increase randomly around an average rate that depends on the temperature of the skin. The small heat pulses delivered to the skin periodically will therefore result in a slight frequency modulation (fm) in the tip shapes generated by the nerves. Since stimulation by other sensory modalities results in similar physiological effects, it is believed that frequency modulation of spontaneous spontaneous patterns of neural spores also occurs.

It is instructive to apply this notion to stimulation by weak electric field pulses administered to the skin. The externally generated fields induce electric current pulses in the underlying tissue, but the current density is much too small to pull a nerve that is otherwise quiescent. However, in the adaptation experiments of stretchable crayfish receptors, Terzuolo and Bullock (1956) observed that very small electric fields may be sufficient to modulate the triggering of already active nerves. Such a modulation may occur in the stimulation of the electric field under discussion.

A further understanding can be obtained by considering the electrical charges that accumulate on the skin as a result of the induced tissue currents. By ignoring thermodynamics, it would be expected that the accumulated polarization charges would be confined strictly to the outer surface of the skin. But the charge density is caused by a slight excess of positive or negative ions, and the thermal motion distributes the ions by a thin layer. This implies that the electric field applied from the outside actually penetrates a short distance into the tissue, instead of stopping abruptly on the outer surface of the skin. In this way, a considerable fraction of the applied field can be carried over certain cutaneous nerve endings, so that a slight modulation of the type noted by Terzuolo and Bullock may indeed occur.

The physiological effects mentioned are only observed when the electric field strength on the skin is within a certain range, called the effective intensity window. There is also a bulk effect, since the weaker fields are sufficient when the field is applied to a larger area of skin. These effects are discussed in detail in the '922 patent.

Since the spontaneous effusion of the nerves is rather random and the frequency modulation induced by the pulsed field is very shallow, the signal-to-noise ratio (S / N) for the signal fm contained in the spine trains along the nerves Aferents is so small that to recover the fm signal from a single nerve fiber impossible. But the application of the field to a large area of skin causes simultaneous stimulation of many cutaneous nerves, and the modulation fm is then coherent from the nerve to the nerve. Consequently, if the afferent signals are somewhat summed up in the brain, the modulations fm are added while the points of the different nerves mix and intertwine. In this way, S / N can be increased by appropriate neural processing. The matter is discussed in detail in the '874 patent. Another increase in sensitivity is due to the implication of a resonance mechanism, in which considerable neuronal circuit oscillations can result from weak excitations.

An easily detectable physiological effect of 1/2 Hz excited sensory resonance is the ptosis of the eyelids. As stated in the '922 patent, the ptosis test involves first closing the eyes halfway. By maintaining this position of the eyelid, the eyes are wound upward, while abandoning voluntary control of the eyelids. The position of the eyelid is then determined by the state of the autonomic nervous system. In addition, the pressure exerted on the eyeballs by the partially closed eyelids increases the parasympathetic activity. The position of the eyelid becomes thus a little labile, as a slight flutter shows. The labile state is sensitive to very small changes in the autonomous state. The ptosis influences the extent to which the pupil is encapsulated by the eyelid and therefore how much light is admitted into the eye.

Therefore, the depth of the ptosis is seen by the subject and can be classified on a scale of 0 to 10. In the early stages of excitation of the 1/2 Hz sensory resonance, a downward drift is detected in the Frequency of ptosis, defined as the stimulation frequency for which the maximum ptosose is obtained. It is believed that this derivative


Monitors and television monitors can be designed to emit low-frequency low-frequency electromagnetic fields simply by pulsing the intensity of the displayed images. Experiments have shown that the 1/2 Hz sensory resonance can be excited in this way in a subject close to the monitor. Both. The 4 Hz sensory resonance can also be excited in this manner. Therefore, a television monitor or a computer monitor can be used to manipulate the nervous system of close people.

The implementations of the invention are adapted to the source of the video stream which drives the monitor, whether it is a computer program, a television program, a videotape or a digital video disc (DVD).

For a computer monitor, image pulses can be produced by an appropriate computer program. The frequency of the pulses can be controlled by the input of the keyboard, so that the subject can adjust an individual sensory resonance frequency. The amplitude of the pulses can also be controlled in this way. A program written in Visual Basic (R) is particularly suitable for computers running the Windows 95 (R) or Windows 98 (R) operating system. The structure of such a program is described. The production of periodic pulses requires an accurate timing procedure. Such a procedure is built from the GetTimeCount function available in the Windows operating system application interface (API), as well as an extrapolation procedure that improves the accuracy of the time.

Pulse variability can be introduced by software to prevent nervous system habituation to stimulation in the field or when the precise resonance frequency is not known. The variability may be a pseudo-random variation in a narrow range, or it may take the form of a frequency or amplitude sweep over time. The variability of the pulses may be under the control of the subject.

The program that allows a monitor to display a pulsed image can be run on a remote computer that is connected to the user computer by a link; The latter may belong in part to a network, which may be the Internet.

For a television monitor, the pulsation of the image may be inherent to the video stream depending on the video source, otherwise the stream may be modulated so as to superimpose the pulses. In the first case, a live television broadcast can be organized so that the function is integrated simply by slightly pushing the illumination of the scene being broadcast. This method can obviously be used to create movies and record video tapes and DVDs.

The video tapes can be modified to superimpose the pulses by modulating the material. A simple modulator is discussed in which the luminance signal of the composite video is pulsed without affecting the chromatic signal. The same effect can be introduced at the end of the consumer, by modulating the video stream generated by the video source. A DVD can be edited by software, introducing pulsed type variations into digital RGB signals. The image intensity pulses may be superimposed on the analog component video output of a DVD player by modulating the luminance signal component. Before entering the television, a television signal may be modulated so as to cause a pulse of the intensity of the image by means of a variable delay line which is connected to a pulse generator.

Some monitors can emit electromagnetic field pulses that excite sensory resonance in a close subject, due to image pulses too low to be sublimed. This is unfortunate as it opens up a malicious way of applying the invention whereby people are unwittingly exposed to manipulation of their nervous system for other purposes. Such a request would be unethical and obviously not advocated. It is mentioned here in order to alert the public about the possibility of secret abuses that may occur online, or watching TV, video or DVD




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