Is there life beyond the earth.

in #science6 years ago (edited)


In this vast universe, man is alone and rotating in unlimited extensions, there is also a place in the planets and millions of galaxies, where there is no sympathy of human beings, and similar intelligent creatures. This is the question which scientists and astrologists have been constantly trying for many decades and have spent millions of dollars so far on their projects.

Many astrologists say that different universe planets have received such radiation signals for years over the earth, which they have not yet understood and they know where they are being sent. However, they say that these signals are not produced in any place within the universe by any automated process, but they are being sent to the ground in the form of messages. Otherwise there is such an intelligent creature like a sender's sign.

The universe is so vast that its boundaries are beyond the scope of human knowledge and its thinking. There are many planets in the universe that are located in the billions of thousands of years from our land. If a person travels on the speed of light, then he needs billions of years to reach there, which is not currently possible.

Experts say the planet's light is reaching the ground, most of them are millions of years after the end of the end, but the last ray of light is not completed until they are completed. Will be visible. Some scientists also believe that the signals are coming from a planet that may not exist now.

Astronomy experts have been trying to determine the location of signals that match the years and better understand them, but there is no success in this regard, which can be called revolutionary.

However, most of the astrologers believe that there is a possibility of life in the universe outside of the planet. They say that the shape of this life can be anything, it is possible that it is different from the life found on the planet, it is something else and does not require oxygen to live.

The evidence of the presence of water on the moon was encouraged by scientists who considered water as a fundamental part of life. Although the astonishing spirits of the moon did not get any attention to the growth of the moon. However, many scientists believe that after the discovery of water, the possibility of any form of life could not be ignored.

Red planet Mars is not only the world's most neighborly neighbor, but also the possibility of water presence, seasonal and geographical conditions strengthen the likelihood of life. For some time, a particular rocky part of Mars, which has been named by Nylie Fossie, has been the specialist's focus center. The composition of the rocks compounds the rocks of the Australian North-West, where the early onset of ground Life was found.

In a recent article published in Earth and Phenomenon Science, it has been said that life-saving works in Marine's Nile Fossil area are in the same mineral as it met Australia.

Scientists believe that the combination of minerals and green leaves found in Australia's oldest rocks have a significant role in the formation of life-saving coatings of soil and soil and marks such rocks in the Marilyne Nile area of ​​Mars. . Which has increased the possibility that life can be saved in any of its earliest forms.

Edian Brown, a science scientist at the Institute of Sciences, says that this particular form of these rocks is due to the presence of life and not due to geographical change.

The Marine Chattani area of ​​Mars was discovered in 2008 and since then, experts are observing them. Scientists estimate that the rocks are about four billion years old and they have carbohouses.

Carbonate is a chemical mixture that comes with the combination of carbon dioxide and calcium, iron or magnesium. This mixture is still available in the remains of the oldest life and these bones. Scientists believe that at any time all the water on Mars used to have acidic properties, which is a solid proof of the presence of life.

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