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RE: DARK MATTER DON'T MATTER NO MORE; An electrical explanation to a decades long mystery

in #science7 years ago

Well, there is SOMETHING there that We can draw energy from, cleanly, 24/7, anywhere. Call it aether, call it electromagnetic flux, I dunno. All I know is that We have had the ability to draw on it through electrogravitics since the 1950's, and that the tech is now in black projects.

As I mentioned elsewhere, the recent repeat of the Michelson-Morely experiment showed that there was something, with better tech and more sensitive equipment... And then there's this: The psychopaths in control have been HIGHLY invested in hiding anything that would threaten Their power over Others - and to be sure, THEY know the intimate relationship between money and energy. It has been to Their advantage to uphold the faulty einsteinian physics in the public world.
