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RE: DARK MATTER DON'T MATTER NO MORE; An electrical explanation to a decades long mystery

in #science7 years ago

Indeed, einsteinian physics is a red herring, to keep Us from being aware that there is an aether, and the universe is electric. Out of this, We can draw all the energy We could use, but the psychopaths in control promoted the einsteinian physics to keep Their control of Us through the requirement of accounting for Our energy to survive (add free energy and accounting for Ours becomes like accounting for grains of sand: pointless) - money, Their tool to widespread influence, would be superfluous.

Excellent article!


Is there an aether? Can you prove there is an aether? Maxwellian maths suggest there should be an aether because of the "wavelike" properties of electromagnetism. But, what does it mean to have wavelike properties? Essentially, that it oscillates. Pendulums oscillate and therefore are wavelike in its mechanism, but does not require an aether.

Check out my postEinstein's fabric and the Luminiferous Aether

Well, there is SOMETHING there that We can draw energy from, cleanly, 24/7, anywhere. Call it aether, call it electromagnetic flux, I dunno. All I know is that We have had the ability to draw on it through electrogravitics since the 1950's, and that the tech is now in black projects.

As I mentioned elsewhere, the recent repeat of the Michelson-Morely experiment showed that there was something, with better tech and more sensitive equipment... And then there's this: The psychopaths in control have been HIGHLY invested in hiding anything that would threaten Their power over Others - and to be sure, THEY know the intimate relationship between money and energy. It has been to Their advantage to uphold the faulty einsteinian physics in the public world.


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