How much would you weight on other Planets???

in #science6 years ago

     Hello Great Steemians, welcome back to another science related interesting topic where we are going to another planets to measure your weight.So without any wasting of time let this journey begins.

                        Before starting there are some information we need about your weight . 

                    we know, weight(W)= MASS*SURFACE GRAVITY. SO in order to calculate your weight on another planets we need two terms one is mass(which not changes with change in location or it remains constant everywhere ) and the other one is surface gravity.As surface gravity is different for every planets so also our weight is going to differ.  


                           IMG SOURCE :

                                             LET,S START 

                   For this let gravitational pull of earth is 1.0.Now in order to calculate your weight on your favorite planet below is the values of  gravitational pull of different planets compared to earth: 

      PLANETS                                   GRAVITATIONAL PULL COMPARED TO EARTH            

          MERCURY                                                             0.38

           VENUS                                                                    0.91

           EARTH                                                                    1.0

          MARS                                                                        0.38

         JUPITER                                                                    2.36

         SATURN                                                                      0.91

          URANUS                                                                   0.89

           NEPTUNE                                                                1.12

                       I think you memorized above table carefully.

                             HERE IS THE METHOD 

                        So method is very easy, just multiplied your weight on earth with gravitational pull of planet where you gonna find your weight.


           Let me show you this with the help of an example 

              Suppose you weight 90 pounds on planet earth then how much you weight on another planet here is the calculation:

            ON MERCURY :

                     WEIGHT= 90*0.38= 34.2 pounds 

                  This is how you can calculate your weight on another planets.Let me know which planet do u like the most and calculate your weight there.

                                            How was the article, hope you liked it.If have any further question or any topic related information then let me know in comment below.  



Nice, i saw one documentary about this and there they explained too. Actually recently i was amazed that nasa found like 10 more planets a week ago, read on the news. We can only imagine how much are there

Yes you are right friend great Nasa has discovered a huge number of planets from january 2018.Yes how much we will weigh their is only imagination yet now,because we do't know anything about their gravity yet.

I have heard some people saying like that all this nasa and everything is useless, they are sending money on nothing, but i think those ones d not see the hard work and research that is being put in daily.

According to common man point of view,i think it is also useless at present.But in future it is really going to help us .They are doing hard work just to find the planet like earth so that in future we can replace earth.

Yea true, in this day in age we are too patience lacking and we want everything quick. Me too, it is hard to focus and see the real result, maybe even 10 years later

Yes you are right.The discovery that is might not benefit us in today's age may benefit us in future.

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