Everything you wanted to know about Scientology

in #science8 years ago

Scientology - the mysterious religion of the twentieth century, which is particularly fascinated by Hollywood stars. In Scientology was one of the main reasons why their relationship broke down, admitting even the actor Tom Cruise, divorced with Katie Holmes. This religion seems mysterious and shrouded in various myths? What really believe its followers?

What is Scientology?
The most Scientologists call their faith in a religion that helps them to understand their true spiritual nature and relationships with ourselves, family, groups, mankind, all life forms, the material universe, the spiritual universe and the Supreme.

Getting started in Scientology?
It claimed that Scientology came from all the major religions "and includes" religious heritage, an old and diverse as the man himself. " So Scientology dates back to 50 thousand. years, writes telegraph.co.uk.

Scientology pioneer regarded as L. Ron Hubbard from New Jersey (USA), 1950, to give an incredible popular science book "Dianetics: the scientific revolution." Here the author analyzed the operation of the human mind understanding. After this publication, four fans (a lawyer, a publisher, a doctor and an engineer) was established by Hubbard Dianetik Research Fund.

The first Scientology Church opened its doors in February 1954. After a decade of the controversial religion churches in the US alone appeared several dozens.

Scientology symbols.
Scientology followers have many distinctive characters. One of the major "new era" of Scientology characters of "S" letter, winding through the two triangles. The upper triangle symbolizes the basic religious principles - knowledge, responsibility and control. The lower triangle interpreted as kinship, reality and communication.

What are the basics of the faith of Scientology?
Scientology followers believe that man is basically good, and his soul salvation depends solely on his own, from his pals and fraternal agreement with the universe. The main principles of Scientology:

Man is an immortal spiritual being.
His experience is not limited to a single life.
His capabilities are unlimited, even if usually not fully understood.

Why are people attracted to Scientology?
It is argued that people are starting to believe in Scientology and published in the truth, because science does not provide answers to many important questions. Scientology offers to rediscover the techniques that are known to mankind for thousands of years and that can help a person to get to know himself and, through self-knowledge - and other people, and life itself.

What does Scientology means?
Scientology means" knowing how to know. " The term is composed of the Latin word Scio (knowing the true sense of the word) and the Greek word" Logos "(science).

Do Scientologists have any special holidays?
They celebrate L. Ron Hubbard's birthday in March, the first Dianetikos permission anniversary each May and listeners day in September.

As Scientology helps overcome the pain?
Scientologists believe that the soul can ease the trauma, pain and injury any discomfort when communicating with the body. Church advises start detoxification course (consisting of saunas, exercise, vitamins, oil consumption, jogging). Stories abound that Katie Holmes during childbirth was not allowed to cry out, and other noise that sounds so does not adversely affect the newborn.

As Scientologists understand people?
They believe that a person owns 8 dynamic forces. The first dynamic power - it is the existence of demand for the eighth - the infinite need. A spiritual creature they call "Thetan" - are all life and the source of life.

Do Scientologists believe in God?
They have a God or Supreme concept, but not a dogma. They believe that God helps those who helps themselves.

Do they believe in reincarnation?
They believe in past lives, that a person can be born again. Man can not progress until the last does not solve the problems of life. Heaven and Hell quickly associated with life in the future, with the future experiences with the man deserves a previous lifetime.

As they educate children?
Scientologists believe that the bodies of the children living in the spirit, which has no age, bringing with them to behave as adults.

Why Scientology controversial?
It ​​is no secret that religion is one of the most controversial. Worldwide hovers many languages, messaging, even courts held that the Scientologists were related to trafficking in human beings, people holding against their will. It is said that the members are forced to sever ties with their loved ones, and women get abortions. Australian Senator Scientology even called criminal organization, and accused her of robbery and blackmail. One member of the church said it 12 years were held against their will and forced to work in hard work.

Famous Scientologists - Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kristie Alley, Lisa Marie Presley, Will Smith.

Do they believe in aliens?
Stories abound that they believe Xenu - extraterrestrial dictator who, before 75 million years ago the Earth spacecraft brought billions of people and killed them there. Their etheric body remained on Earth continues to undermine the modern population. However, the official Scientology church does not recognize.

From where they receive funds?
Like many religions, including Scientology and Church flourishes of the members of the victims.

As becomes a Scientologist?
The official Scientology website states that religious organizations be signed by members of a billion-year commitment that swears loyalty.


Interesting to see Scientology on the Steemit site. I was a member of the group for 43 years and would be happy to be the resident expert for anyone that wants to talk directly to the horse's mouth:)

@algimantas. I am curious if you were or are a member of the group? Your description was rather neutral which is hard to be if you were in or are currently in.

I am a Scientologist of some 40 odd years having completed the bridge and currently run and administer an independent Scientologist group I can probably contribute some useful input. I will start with an extract from my forthcoming book on the subject. "The word Dianetics comes from the Greek DIA through, NOUS soul and deals with a system of mental image pictures in relation to psychic (spiritual) trauma. The mental image pictures are believed on the basis of personal revelation to be comprised of mental activity created and formed by the spirit, and not by the body or brain. It addresses the body as distinct to the spirit or individual (Called the thetan in Scientology – from the Greek word Theta). It addresses the causes of illnesses, unwanted sensations, misemotions (inappropriate emotions for the situation) somatics, pain and so forth.

“Dianetics is not psychiatry. It is not psychoanalysis. It is not psychology. It is not personal relations. It is not hypnotism. It is a science of mind.”
Scientology Technical Dictionary

Hubbard described Dianetics as "an organized science of thought built on definite axioms: statements of natural laws on the order of those of the physical sciences". This and other Dianetic axioms can be found in many Hubbard books such as Scientology 0-8: The Book of Basics and Advanced Procedures and Axioms. The very first book on Dianetics, the one that started it all was Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. First published in 1950 it went to the top of the best seller list. Here Hubbard recorded his discoveries and application of Dianetics.
Hubbard said, Dianetics would work every time if applied properly and "will invariably cure all psychosomatic ills and human aberrations." In April 1950, before the public release of the best seller Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, he wrote: "To date, over two hundred patients have been treated; of those two hundred, two hundred cures have been obtained."
In Dianetics, the human mind was found to be a collection of "mental image pictures," which contain the recorded memory of a past moment, including all sensory perceptions and feelings involved. One type of mental image picture, created during a period of unconsciousness, involves the memory of a painful experience. Hubbard called this memory an engram, and defined it as "a complete recording of a moment of unconsciousness containing physical pain or painful emotion and all perceptions."
The application of Dianetics occurs when an auditor (listener) applies specific questions to the preclear (recipient) in order to assist that person find out areas of trauma in their life that causes discomfort.
Dianetics is different to scientology in that it deals exclusively with the mind whereas scientology deals primarily with the being.
The best way of understanding Dianetics is by reading the two definitive works on the subject, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health and Dianetics Today."

Did you ever participate in Narconon?

How much do you know of the training that goes on there? It looks like this. I saw it, because I was there.


Everyone who posts about Scientology never responds. They get paid to post an ad, then disappear.

Everyone who claims to be expert on Scientology on Steem never responds. Many of these posts are paid for by Scientology, which owns Narconon Fresh Start and other fake rehabs and also fake rehab websites including rehabs.com

For the truth about Scientology and their many front groups go to:


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