Energizing Water with Biodynamic Flowforms Inspired with Projective Geometry
“The water humanity uses is often poor quality. So, we add chemicals, and use machinery to filter and oxygenate it.
Why? Because we separate it from nature, which knows how to look after its water.
John Wilkes understood this issue profoundly – and developed practical answers. The key is to move water through ‘complex dynamic flow’ – as happens in nature. Then it becomes a ‘liquid crystal’, highly oxygenated and vitalized.
John Wilkes invented ‘dynamic flow’ technologies with tremendous potential to improve water quality worldwide. They return water to nature, while it is still being used! This Flowform technology needs scaling up for high volume situations, and for villages in the developing world.” - http://foundationforwater.org
Read more about Biodynamic Flowform Water Technology inspired by Projective Geometry: http://aetherforce.com/energizing-water-with-flowform-eco-technology-by-iain-trousdell/