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RE: Social Robots: A Friend Or Foe?

in #science6 years ago (edited)

Oh @dysfunctional,

This post has provided me with a lot of new understanding and information. I absolutely loved Zora 😃 it is a wonderful innovation for the care of the elderly indeed! And as for children ... it does look cuddly and friendly 😍 you can only imagine how stimulating it might be !

The insights you delivered about whether we are ready or not to have robots in our lives in an interesting one indeed, and there is one point you made that I personally can relate to it : 'the uncertainty and fear provoked in people by the latest AI and robotic inventions, do not come from what they are, but rather from our own perception about them.'

The findings from Malle & Magar's are curious. To me, it appears that what people expect from robots is what they expect from humans; and, for me, this is why, like you said, there is the need for philosophical problems to be addressed first! Although, it looks as if we are already going for the 'trial-error' approach! With a positive outcome so far, I believe!

Beautiful write-up my dear :) thank you for sharing it with us!

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