THE BIG LIE! How in the world did we get here??

in #science-fiction7 years ago (edited)


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The theory of evolution says that life form started with some explosion, it is suggested that the single life form evolved or changed into more complicated life forms eventually evolving into man as we are today.

The evolution problems

It is only a theory

A theory is suggestion or a speculative view . it is not based on proven facts. They are assumptions. Scientists sailed around the world as naturalist and try to write about the origin of life. One of this scientist is Charles Darwin who lived 1809-1892

It involves a lot of guess work

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Science is all about measuring, observing, evaluating, observing and analyzing results from experiments or real life situations.. No one has actually had any proven conclusive evidence of what really happened.
No human ever existed to observe life beginning. Darwin and the others came and saw things already exist and began their guess work of their existence. But the bible records and I believe, when no man was there at creation, GOD WAS THERE! God was there

The missing links are still missing

Evolutionists think that single celled life forms developed into simple life form then into fish, reptiles, bird, animals and then man. Darwin stated that most adaptable animals survived and eventually changed into higher life forms. But it is important to acknowledge that birds and animals can adapt but they can not become new species
Several links are missing between apes and man! Impossible! Evolution is full of imaginations not proven and still full of missing links as to animals changing to become new different species

The earth is not that old

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Evolutionists believes simple life form takes millions of years to change and develop into man. That the earth is old is taught as fact. The earth is not as old as the evolutionist claimed . The bible denies this theory and records the flood which displaced rocks suddenly, not over millions of years. 2peter 3:5-6
The earth is young and when adds up the genealogies in the Bible the total is much less than ten thousand years. evolutionists guess work and theories have no proven scientific fact to contradict the existence of God before creation and can never do such. God created the world, I haven't seen God but I know HE WAS and IS and REMAINS GOD

Darwin and others not convinced

Listen to the following quotations and contrast these statements to the definite declarations of GOD in His word the bible

quote 'it is simply difficult to believe that the amazing order of life arose spontaneously out of the original disorder of the universe
George Marsden

Is it an accepted scientific fact that order cannot arise spontaneously out of disorder.

quote 'evolution is unproved and unprovable
Sir Arthur Keith, anatomist and anthropologists

Perhaps, deep down this men knew that creation by GOD is the only feasible explanation for the world

quote Darwin admitted, there are two or three millions species on earth... But it must be said that in spite of all the effors of trained observers, not one change of a species into another is on record


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Tries to explain life without God

Evolution ultimately aims to do away with the need for GOD or a creator! And that's impossible! People are quick to accept any evidence that there is no GOD because they want to live the way they want, some feel, since they can't see GOD, they want to believe what is explained.

Man had remaind curious from creation, that was why Eve ate the fruit, so she could experience what it is was to be wise. Man wants to see God before he can believe HE exist, little wander the Israelites caved goat and call it God. And till date, men still cave images and call their creator! How can you cave out something for yourself and call it your creator! Why should i believe what am higher than? Well, weather you believe GOD exist or not, HE does!

I can feel GOD in my breathe, in my mind, eyes, ears,
When I awake, I feel him, when the moon rises I see him. At the rising of the sun, I see Him, everywhere and everything proves GOD exist and to HIM we all will account!

Don't be deceived

The evolutionists don't know what they are talking about too...
Death, sleep and dreams remain mysterious!
You should be quite sure that GOD remains a mystery too but you can know HIM through JESUS!

Thanks for reading!
#God's own


Now that's what i am talking about. Thanks for the eye opener. I need more of this from you ma.

Science has made some people not to believe in God and so they have failed to realise that science and Faith works together

Evolution theory is a big illussion! Thanks so much @peculiarmary for bringing this awareness afresh.

Thanks for taking time to read, comment and upvote

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