Things you don't learn in school | Part II

in #school7 years ago

As I was saying in the previous article, we spend so much time in school, but we find ourselves after we finish our studies at 20 something, without any idea about life or how it works. Here are some other things they don’t teach us in school but they should.


You don’t learn to be proactive

Unfortunately, school educates you to be passive at what happens around. They teach us that it’s good to blend in and do as told. Have you heard of the “Bystander Effect”? It’s a psychological phenomenon that manifests through the fact that you’re more likely to help someone in a limit situation when there are less people around.

A bigger group of people will be less aggressive than a small one. The bigger the group, the smaller is the resistance. This is how we’re being educated since kindergarten.

You don’t learn that failing can be good

Someone said that if failing didn’t exist, it should have been invented. School works like this: You know what’s in the book, you get an A.

You don’t know, you fail the class. When you fail a class, it seems like such a big deal, because you have been educated to believe that it’s a tragedy to have a small grade, but nobody will care after a year that you failed a test. Not even a week. The biggest achievements have come after failures.

You don’t learn how your body works and how to feed it

We live in a time when people search for diagnosis on the Internet. You have a pimple? Make a search on Google and see what you have. Isn’t it stupid? You are born in this body that you have and feed everyday. Wouldn’t it be okay to know how it works?

I know people that can talk for days about how a plane or a car works, but at 25 years they don’t know if that pain in the right side of their abdomen comes from their liver or their spline. Let’s not even talk about nutrition. I would have liked to learn in school things about nutrition, sports and metabolism.


My name is Farcas Ionut. I am a young entrepreneur, 21 years old, living in Bucharest (I hate Bucharest) and going to university only to lose my time. (my parents wish.)

I am a blockchain enthusiast, ethereum being my favourite. I am holding some coins & tokens. I am trading when I am in the mood & obviously when I need more money.

My passion is social media marketing. I don't like numbers, I don't care about quantity, but about quality.(less when it comes to crypto) I like creating relationships, talking with people, strangers. I like being updated with all kind of news.

I joined Steemit in June 2017. I started with 0 Steem Power. I worked hard to be visible here. I knew it's a long way but I did it. Steemit is paying now my rent & the other taxes.

I can't wait to finish my studies. I will be free from all points of view. Probably I will tattoo the Ethereum logo on my hand soon, or maybe on my big nose.

And this is me while my girlfriend is shopping.


-Thanks, @jwolf-


The education system has to adopt each several years to prepare its generation for the future.
In the old days it was important how much knowledge one possessed. Nowadays, to a certain level, it is not important anymore how much knowledge you have, but if you do know where to find it and how fast you can absorb it.
Still schools have to teach their students some basic skills. They will have to learn to train their brains, finding solutions out-side of the box, analyzing things and utmost important to create their own personality.
Concerning the failure part. The most successful entrepreneur have failed several times before they became famous/rich. Failing is not a bad things if you do learn from the mistakes.

100 % agreed these days mostly private schools are focusing on business. when we complete our education we don't know the practical knowledge and schools are fail to teach life.

You don’t learn that failing can be good

This is so true, those who fail in school are regarded as loosers. But I have come to discover that failure is a teacher. It teaches us that there is a better way to succeed in life.

No school will tell you this.

This is a really great article.
One of my best decisions was to drop from college and start learning by myself.

Ps. Practice is the best way to learn something

True, thanks for reading my post!

School is just a box in which a student dont think much longer..and some time its a mistake of the teachers that who dont tell the reality of life.

To me school is just meeting people with different orientation and learn at least a lesson from each everyone you mingle with

This point is what makes people lack behind in life rightly said
"You don’t learn that failing can be good"

I completely agree. Being in school I did not even learn good habits for hard work. It was just "memorize, test, repeat." Only now in my 20's through self-exploration have a found how to get myself motivated and prepared to work.

People today are like little babies when it comes to knowledge about our own selves. We are only taught how to join and participate in mainstream society, not how to be healthy and happy.

nice post i like your post thanks for sharing post

Thanks @jwolg
I like post

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