Ne učimo se za šolo, ampak za življenje - We do not learn for school, but for life
This image with a positive thought was found on a classroom door in a local primary school.
It is so true and so not what the real life school system demands.
A quote by Seneca, translated from Slovenian
We do not learn for school, but for life
Tell this to the public employees at the ministry who decide how the schools work and what they really do. It's scary how these people are completely out of touch with reality.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca died 2000 years ago. This phrase of his is still very much alive and important today. It is amazing how little has changed in all this time. School is still a mean of subtle indoctrination and oppression and not a place where free imagination and creativity stimulation roams.
*Slovenian source for more thoughts like this: