Tales from a "Schizophrenic" Mind - Chapter Six - In the Ward

in #schizophrenia8 years ago (edited)

Chapter 6 - In The Ward

While in the hospital I recall asking my brother to bring a Bible to me (for the Ten Commandments) which he did, but he also brought along with him a copy of , “The Celestine Prophesy” which I enjoyed immensely. The Celestine Prophesy is a “fictional” work which describes two main “secrets” to be discovered about the world. One was that the physical world is not all it seems at first look but has “spirit” or “energy force” (for example around plants) that the “uninitiated” cannot see. The second “secret” is that when an individual and/or “spirit” reaches a “higher level” they will seem to “disappear” to those around them who are still operating at a “lower level” or as I later learned “frequency.” My understanding of this now, is that this is what is planned for a future Earth, in that people of similar “frequency” will live together in relative harmony. This is what the Mormons refer to as the “plan of salvation”, where people will be divided into three different versions of Earth: the Celestial, Terrestrial, and finally Telestial kingdoms.

“Creation” it would seem operates for the individual/spirit (as David Icke likes to say) as a sort of “Radio Transmitter” where each individual/spirit can “tune into” a certain “range” of frequencies, often depending on their certain “state of mind/emotion.” My own experiences support this as when I feel “good” and spiritually “relaxed” I tend to find myself among people of similar “frequency” or “state of emotional/mind”, where as when I am feeling “bad” or spiritually “troubled” I will find myself among people of similar feeling/state of mind. It appears to be a “two-way” street where everybody effects everybody else – to a certain degree – in this way. Some are affected more than others in what could be called an “open-heart” state whereas others are not affected as much because they have learned to “protect” themselves and “put up barriers” to this kind of community mind/emotion sharing. I can recall reading “The Celestine Prophesy” in the bed at the hospital and “transmitting” the words/page I was reading to the local “controller” at the hospital (another “telepathic” patient (a Nephilim/angel as it turns out) in the psychiatric ward) and I recall him “saying” to the other “telepaths” at the hospital that he could actually “see the page” which I was reading.

I found my hospital stay an overall “enjoyable” experience, in that I was put with other “troubled souls” who I felt could “understand me” better than most people in the outside world. These people felt like a dysfunctional family of sorts, and they – more so than the doctors – helped me to “heal” and find a way through my “experiences.”

Some of my “experiences” in the ward included: seeing a demon smile (with my third eye), meeting the physical life of a “death entity” (who made a “spiritual” attempt at my life, she was ordered), meeting multiple under cover police officers and “mob members” (who were interested in “telepaths” and the “esoteric”), discussing suitable “punishments” before I would be allowed into Heaven (such as “rosemary counting”), making “painful” prayers on my knees in my room, meeting “Satan” (the present one, one of his physical lives) with the “shaking of hands” and the subsequent “removal” of a “mark” on my right hand by an “angel”/undercover person, being “asked” (telepathically) to write “blood on the wall” so they would keep me longer (which I didn't comply with), and seeing “evil” emanating out of the eyes of a doctor.

While in the ward I learned that “brain waves” can apparently travel approximately 50 miles (ie Hamilton to Niagara Falls) at their limit, and this is the distance that the “light beings”/angels tried to give me one night while I was trying to maintain control of my thoughts (I was a new “telepath” having a difficult time). Also, what it means to be “open” (to hear/see spirits from the “physical life”) was a topic of discussion, and how most are “not allowed” or they are “beset” by “evil spirits”.

After spending several weeks in the psychiatric ward (~3-4 weeks, which I might add I had to see a “rights advocate” before I was released) it was deemed that I was reasonably “stable” and lived in my apartment for another couple months before again being admitted to the psychiatric ward (this time of my own choosing with a little less “fanfare”). I continued to have the occasional “spiritual experience”, though toned down a bit due to the prescription drugs I was put on (Haldol, which makes it more difficult for the “spirit body” to connect/communicate with the “physical body” thus deadening the “experiences,” though they were still present in the “spiritual plane” regardless.)

As of this writing it has been over 10 years since I was in the hospital, and unfortunately for my writing my memory is very vague. I'm working on a 2nd edition to this book so perhaps I can add more to it when I have a chance. Thanks for taking the time to read about my experiences, and there's more to come.

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